When I can fail in squad and ppl dont yell at me because Im cleric and "my job is hard and someone else took aggro and so on..." ^^
So maybe off-topic but should I re-roll my swordbm to seeker? Got good time to decide because update is at 50% after one night...
Im betting 2 weeks
I think it tells enough when first replys are about ppl cheating and 5APS...
Its great for your new Mystic!
*dig myself a house on mountain, cut some trees for wood to make door and place thorches inside*
There also need to comeback for Friend Quest Q__Q
Lights on because Im back
Decus, do my math A-levels...
This looks like challenge... Tempest naked parties!!
No Grim, only Rege and EQ ones.
Lights on so I can see what did I step on to.
Lights off to let spot light work better
Light on, so people can catch you sneaking behind them
Tempest was outbided, just saying... >.> <.<
Lights off, there is mirrors in room and I dont want see myself
another, not-so-sexy cleric named Siv bumming next to apochatery.
Lights on, it's DeathProofs weddings tonight
Lights on, its 1st day of christmasmonth
Lights on, dont have any exams tomorrow so alcohol now! >;D
Lights off, <_<
Lights on, so I can see what bumped me
Lights off, so I can keep reading forums in class without teacher noticing
Light off, so I can steal their stuff
Lights off, evil can't fight in light
At the same time elsewhere....
Or would win. What would win: MAD or Cracked?
They grabed her from arms and legs.
Lights off to make dreams darker... >:D