Ah ty. I thought that the proc reduced the phys def to almost nothing, but it looks to be not so bad. So broadland looks like a good choice.
So comparing broad land to fragrance of moon; Broad land will increase your attack (should make robes drop really fast) while at the same time reducing your defence - can anyone who used broad land before tell me about their experiences with this buff/debuff? Sins and seekers can tele on you, and will the debuff make them…
Alright thanks for the info guys, 100m is definitely not worth it for me compared to BL.
This is, like, totally not a 2 year old necro or anything, right mr. Lich_Man?
I am good. Give me your moneys. also inb4 lock
That was quick, someone just supplied all my mat needs. TY
QFT /5chars
Also, people will prefer high level people. TWing is kind of an elite thing. For example, at lv 60-70 you'll still get 1-shotted by lv 90's and not to mention lv 100's. You kind of become useful in TW's after you're finished fb79 (Lv 80's).
Damn I can't believe I forgot to subscribe. brb
Strike three.
b:angryb:angry b:cryb:cry b:surrender I hope these cuddly bear smileys show that servers are offline again.
Someone spilled coffee on the servers again... b:angry
Just toggle your PK protection; turn it off. Near the minimap you'll see a shield icon, click it and untick all the PK protections and you will be able to attack players without pressing CTRL. b:victory
But who was zuku?
The only people that post in this thread are extremely bored and people who want to raise their post count or something... same goes for me b:surrender His other thread was much more amusing though.
Pic related Dammit necropost
As Asterelle said, I would also like to see no limits on how many TW's a faction can defend against at any given time. Right now as it is large factions (the just the dominant one) do not lose lands so fast since they don't get attacked attacked all at once. It would be much much harder to be a dominant faction owning a…
Inb4 Clawarchers Well since archer skills aren't going to get fixed any time soon (no +xxx% in skills), I'd like bloodpaint to be castable on veno's/archers. But that itself won't be implemented either (announcing sales > balancing gameplay). I'll stop QQing now b:surrender
Ty for the quick reply!
-Make insta-cast R9 +12 Wizard. -Kill everyone before they even realize they're dead. -Kill all the guards around archosaur -Kill any GM's that try to see what's going on -Win game. -Go outside, and breathe some fresh air. You're done. It's over, you can relax now.
Yeah pretty much my only concern with crafting is so that I can make my own equipment, TT and molds. And yeah I'm in your fac, so I guess I'll drop blacksmith as I just destroyed like 800k worth in coins yesterday trying to make those 2* weps. Out of 3, I only managed to make 1 b:surrender Well, atleast I got my tailor so…
Aren't TW's also getting new maps/layouts as well?
@ Harshlands It won't take long before Zulu wtfraeps the entire map again and the TW QQ will be reborned. God dammit.
I think spending 3-4 mil on mats would be SLIGHTLY cheaper than 30 gold x 3. But I could be wrong. I'm not sure about crafting. Rings aren't a prob and ornaments... well that's really only two pieces of equipment that you need to worry about. TBH I guess it really comes down for me to either dropping blacksmith or…
I'm thinking of leaving out craftsmanship completely, as tailor, blacksmith and apoth would be more than enough anyway. Good decision/bad?
You would have squads consisting of characters other than just 4/5 APS sins/bm's. Suddenly you barbs can tank, archers and wizards can step up and be DD too, and veno's debuff/aggro/tank. Ofcourse 5 APS makes things easier... if you somehow manage to get into that squad. More often than not if you're not 4/5 APS not many…
I hope they don't add a bunch of new servers, or the old ones will go extinct. Some are partly ghost towns already.
Niajade nailed it when it comes to figuring out basic info on a guild. You should try and decide for yourself as to not get biased information on guilds.
What? We've got a few melee skills (lightning, winged pledge/wingspan). If archers were truly designed in mind to be able to use melee weapons just like their ranged weapons, we would have a skill tree devoted to melee weapons/masteries/skills. Let's stick to what pwi thinks of archers, and not an IRL definition of them.…
Yeah sure. It doesn't need to be a nerf to APS. But to balance classes at this point you would need to either rebalance a lot of character skills or introduce something obtainable that makes other classes more competent (idk if runecrafting will do much to outweigh APS). And it's not to say I hate APS. I have friends who…