Quick question, how much would these go for in AH, and is there any way to make the mold with chips or something? ty in advance...
My point, and i believe a whole lot other people is that, benefit from 20 points of dex>>>>>>20 points if vit. so yeahh what u just said is exactly what a i said, i saw too many people trying too hard to convince them otherwise (me included). so i'm just telling them to let them be... did u read my post?
uhh... ownd? HAHAHA
the reason everyone goes for phys attack, is that it is augmented by ur dex. in the stickies at the beginning of the forum u can find a full explanation of this, but short version is that x amount of phys dmg becomes y amount of dmg depending on the amount of dex u have. have u ever noticed the dmg ur bow has is not…
your tactics seem pretty nice, downside is the cost of genie skills, those are way to expensive to use them on a regular basis.... at least IMO.
dude really, I'm talking from experience, vit builds suck, I made an archer with ur same train of thought and by lvl 52 I was so bored with the crappyness of my toon that I stopped playing in december. I came back to play 3 months ago and i can only say that archers have no other way but to be pure dex, I'm loving it. It's…
Meh, this guys is a troll, don't take his bait. and if he's for real, better yet, cuz we have one more delusional barb that we can pkb:pleased
+ 7 lvl 45 wep.... You said it yourself, using your own logic, there are efforts better spent on other things. I believe it applies on both cases, your refined wep, and running... That's all I'm going to say on the matter.......
LOL, that's exactly what everyone alse has been saying but you have been denying any need for the change. Anyway, u should play the way u want. Maybe that build actually works, if u do decide to change ur build, please do tell ur experiences, i may end following ur trend.
I did not take into account the bow mastery for hell's numbers for simplicity, I only added the extra 15% percent from heaven bow mastery (against hell's version). My intention was to compare the best hell argument vs the vest heaven argument. I don't think using those skills in a normal attack calculation is fair cuz of…
So what you're saying is that the %dmge bow mastery gives to the user is actually from the wep attack stat? So the skill is not as great as it looks at a first glance. what about the +10% in crit from the other hell skills? should that be considered on top of ur stat? From what i've been seen from other skills it doesn't…
OK, I read most of the posts on this thread,I'm still a noob but here goes my question: How can you be so sure that the 10% increase in crits is on top of what ur stat screen says(talking about demon sharptooth)?? I strongly believe that it means a 10% of ur x% of crit. I think a gm needs to clarify this. Also, why is it…
Ok, I finally got the bow, and it's actually just a tinee little bit better than the sinister shooter (+1), what u really get to notice are the crits getting a lot higher, but at my lvl I really don't get that many crits. Veredict: it's the same dam thing, if u like the shiny wep keep the shooter, but the bow IS an…
hehehehe, not really, just considering if I should start shopping for a hammer.