It's not completely useless. It's not like you will do all quests in a squad. It comes in handy with all those order quests.
Either way. They don't need 700 points.
Bumping just in case someone forgets.
From what I've tested so far as a cleric: Against Epsilon Soulreapers with Jone's Blessing: Purgatory +5 Perfect Sapphire + 2x skill buff = 21k Empyrean Edge +0 + 2x skill buff = 24k Against those poison wood mobs outside of arch using demon cyclone: Purgatory +5 PS = 18k Empyrean Edge +3 Perfect Sapphire = 21k
Thanks, it worked. I have all 3 versions installed now just in case.
How about 2010? It doesn't seem right to downgrade from 2008.
I already have the latest version of direct x 9.0c. Verify has been going on for hours and hasn't even gotten to 20% done. I could have probably downloaded the game 5x by the time this thing finishes. Never had this problem before with any of the other patches/major expansions. I'm thinking of giving up and just quitting…
Has anyone figured out how to fix it? I don't want to have to redownload and reinstall.
Something weird while going back to report a quest in Elysium:
Just pieced some old ones together for the new hair.
From the week of Christmas until maintenance: -Got TT99 wrist/boots/leggings -Got 255 uncanny and 2 raptures -Imbued Immaculate Citrines to most of my characters gear I mostly opened nirvana. I sort of got tired of getting knocked out constantly in caster and losing exp.
My mystic is always out of mp when doing caster nirvana and I'm never doing any real healing. I literally have to pot every cooldown. Luckily, all my mp pots are free from the divine order quests.
I'd go with channeling if you're playing support. I got interrupted by the 4th boss in caster nirvana once 5x in a row just trying to lyse a plant. If you're planning to refine a lot, you might as well go with tt99, so you can go with nirvana.
I didn't have much to choose from: - - - -
Not the best colors. Was hoping for darker ones. b:shutup
Hard to make money when I only log in once or twice a month. So I have to settle with what the boutique gives me. b:surrender
^ It's the boots. Basic halloween outfit minus the stockings. I used a beach short though so it looks complete in the inventory screen. Old outfit but using a giddy kitten top.
Some spoilers:
Only got the new hat. I'm probably not even going to bother getting the other parts. With most recent fash: Using old older set:
I officially hate this event. 206 chests and not a single pet. This is why I'll never buy packs. b:angry
You can't reduce the quality on them manually through options. So they have to be like that all the time. Enough people complain about lagging because of mounts and pets, I doubt they will change it now.
Anyone tried to see if you get a second set if you level from one range to another during? You have to use the encyclopedia for the proper time.
They should just let us turn 15 in for a random pet from the box.
Nowhere. Pvp in this game is based too much on cash shopping, so it's not going to be fun. No point in moving from a pve server to another one.
69 out of 72 questions today. b:cool Had a lot of trouble with the level 60 ones and ran out of time on the 70 ones. b:avoid Having them on 2 cities helped a lot.
It's like an axe bm/barb trying to kill a psy. You have to rely on zerk crits. So go get the tt90 gold sword. You will really need it when they start having really high refines.
Multiple characters/accounts. You're allowed to do with different characters on the same account as long as it's in a different level range.
I just want the pets. The buffs are useless to me when I can just multi client for buffs.