So once again you failed to prove yourself right. All your posts are baseless statements and misguided info. The same way you've operated ingame since your days as Regicide's leader. I wonder why it imploded and crumbled the way it did. Then you show bitterness because I keep real records of tw on my youtube. You try to…
I don't recall vindi ever losing to hoorah for more than 4 weeks in a row while I was there (hell I think that's a lot more than the actual number) which is less than half a season. Even considering the time it always took us to reach each other at start. So maybe you'd be kind enough to refresh my memory with actual dates…
It's my secret weapon against forum trolls.
Damn talk about taking random jabs at people because you couldn't figure out another way out of chickerzzz comments haha. Boy neither you or anyone at that time was relevant enough in pk to make me desperate to gear up. In fact, most of our group pk fights were always outnumbered and we still won. Kirby's group / ex vindis…
Archer: Bobzl, LOVELYYESSY Honorable mention: Jhonyfoxkir, LiQQy, Acharos Assassin: Kyougu (when played by real one) Honorable mention: Kayzn, ArcShadow, Crygol Barbarian: a_tank_, BBB, soooooooos Honorable Mention: Soobarb, Roar_King, holyhead Blademaster: TheDan, Sifu_MohTofu, Dartwave, qontroL, tenjio Honorable mention:…
Sifu > GingerBreadd
Vindicate vs Hoorah 10/11/12
Burned like 200 hp/mp food and around 120 IGs for that TW, can't take the cost. b:cry I hope Noa hasn't bought up all the igs on the server I'ma have to restock soon. :S
I thought regicide holds the best pkers of the server according to asparaguzz?
Vindicate vs Regicide 10/7/12
Did 2 runs of TT3-3 last night after maintenance and 2 more just a few minutes ago, got 0 gold on all. Go head tell me there's nothing wrong and is just bad luck MHM I believe you. Tehehehe... b:irritated
I have been a farmer for a very very long time, this isn't my first time on a 2x drops event and I must say that there is definitely something messed up with TT drop rate this time, both green and gold mats. In fact it seems more diminished every time. For the past 4 days or so I have done 6+ runs a day and all I'm getting…
My sincerest condolences to her family and friends. May her soul rest in peace with God for now she is in a better place.
RoughEdges > MrsSaxwell
Obviously BlueEyedFox relogged to get rid of swords OBVIOUSLY!