I agree i want houses too. Like in villages with noone or nothing can be used to give away as a house like i know this secret place were we have guild meets so ya houses would be cool. To join my guild go to
It also has lots of space and u can put pictures videos and all sorts of stuff practiclly anything and they give u free templates hope this helps. For instance i have 1 website there its at But if u pay u can get domain name like
- is free but u can pay for 1 month if u want for domain name and links.
Just say my name thanks
Cool can i gwt one you can use my character photo and blue please and since i am a cleric can you make it look like a magic thing thanks! =-)b:laughb:victoryb:laugh
So do I thanks and make sure to keep up the effort.
Thanks now i know that clerics are good and i will probally keep mine but will i only know the plume shot and whirlwind spells until the end or will i learn new attack spells??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!