A definetly
Those players just got punked epically
Does this picture make my butt look to big...
Whoever took this picture is a A-class stocker and he deserves a reward, really, nice job
Poor animals, were going to get some angry emails about that
everyone line up by the wll for a little russian rullete
If only are forefathers saw this they would kill themselves
Everyone talks about the people in the picture, LOOK AT THE ANIMALS THEY"RE SUFFOCATING TO DEATH...
Once upon a time 4 players got an idea, what was this idea, it was and idea to stick there heads in a wall, next time think harder than the wall
i dont know about you guys but this isn't stopping me from goinmg to white castle
i dont hik you lost your contacts in here, on to the next wall
so this what happens when you take the other pill
This wall is not perfect worl material, delete it from the ecriptions
What happens at the wall stays at the wall guys
omg guys i told you this was platform 9 and 3/4, this platform leads to world of warcraft. that place has gone down since the WOW disease epidemic
this contest on the wall is making me think to hard i guess we can relate
this is why i hate the depression were in
And this is what gives a noobs a bad name. Thanks a lot guys
dang budget cuts make you haft to use this picture, dang if only it was the good old days
omg im covered in rock, hurry stop, rock and roll
dang coyote tricked to running into the wall
wow not funny guys, open the wormhole again "You didnt say pretty please"
seriously guys we should have tooken first class
that another trip to the dentist
your are supposed to mount the other part of the animal on the wall after stuffing
Wow someone should fix that curve in the road, people keep slammin into the wall
Is this sudden feelin of sufication normal
You thinks that's funny, you should have seen what happened last week. lets just say everyone left happy except the boss
You can always count on your friends to be there when your head is stuck in a wall
Now if everyone on the bus looks to there right to see 4 noobs sticking there heads in a wall. "WHAT DID YOU SAY CHUCK" "OH **** MY BOSS IS ONE OF THEM, cheez it"