Also more people joined the second nation wars so overall you got less tokens.
b:victory I got about 4 kills and had a blast, at level 60 I can't see you doing much but dying 5 times and getting kicked. But even winning 5 tokens at 60 will help them since dqs are nerfed. lol
Even if you can't play because of the time, you still benefit from not having to pay out the *** for your gear. F2P>P2Win now?
The way our stats go we have room for high vit and able to wear ha or la armour. with play style we can be up front taking damage with the barb or hide with the casters dding and debuffing. I'm the same way with my alts start them and get bored Seeker is a fast XP class by 59 you can solo aoe grind at 80 you can do FC…
level 1-40 I was dex build no vit..Wasnt to bad stayed alive longer then my freind who went vit build. XB
I wanted to get baked so I made a cake. o-o
Heavy Armour~ Light Armour~ ~~ Epic hit :D
Straight 20 Male IN RL. o-o I just wanted my char to be a bad ****. D:< foookers.
I soloed it on my 34 veno when the cleric left me. just gotta enter with a squad.
Lol. Yea but their talking about Oracle mobs too. o-o I love when I get 50% and they 1 hit it. Saves me time and money.
Low detail. .-.
Makes me want to rerole a BM.b:bye
Vendor Trash OR isn't using skill please. ;P Just becuase their using vendor gear doesnt mean they are fail. Barb was my first char my weapon was a quest item with a few none shop items I did fine even with sins in squad on mobs they are a god send very nice soloing. Get to boss if your gear isnt great tell them either…
Best to aoe grind at 60+ if you have TT sword and updated armour. Get Buffed from other class mostly BP. If you can really out run the mobs enough cast channel then gemini since it wont waste spark. I get about 10k crits with gemini and I'm tanker build. If you have a nice cleric or mystic friend have them fly above to…
I'm the hulk dumb *****. :D jkjk Its called having fun in a game get over dieing. b:surrender