seen worse played on worse, this is nothing.
Heavens Tear
I keep trying to come back once in a while, just nothing in the game currently to make old players who got bored enjoy it again.
Aesthor! <3
I kinda have that problem on my alt account, for some reason it only has like 3 of my characters in the list and not the others lol, its weird.
Wargasm Blessing HotDog Hong BlazeofGlory IamUGLY StickyGreen DrPepper Aesthor I feel old :c
coulda sent me one jerk :c
really curious about that engraving thing
also I think those npcs named like Aerocraft dealers or whatever
oh you mean in the Heavens Tear forum? oh I wasnt aware this was the only forum you can see, no theres other topics spammed all over the forums, of people just putting a screenshot link to the new pets. b:chuckle Pretty big forum should check it out sometime
switch to low graphics mode and watch everyone dissapear, turn off other peoples names, and its like you are there alone. simple
well thats pretty lame, lol saves me the trouble of doing the quiz on my Veno.
why is there such a need for people to make NEW posts instead of just replying to others.
are they not tradable?
I was able to do both of my 70's when I got there.
yeah theres one on Heavens Tear as well, as far as I know nothing has happened to him, and noone ever buys that one shard.
happens to me when I jump a lot, I cant do anything after jumping like 5times in a row.
do tons of guild givaways :P, + buy stuff for friends and such.
sad news :c alright thanks for the reply
so all this modern and un-fastsy like fashion, but people draw the line at motorcycles? lol.b:chuckle
I remember when Gold charms were about 150k and I couldent afford them, I remember when doing my fb19, all you could get help from were people your own level, and it was a load of fun actually having to try.
*noms on candycorn* b:dirty thats a pretty awesome name you got there.
lol I got it just fine, was replying to the guy in the quote of my post saying it wasnt possible, I was simply making fun of him :3 but its cool some people miss the big quote boxes.
so the screenshots in this post are what, photoshopped?, I see them for sale in game IS MY GAME BEING **** AND SHOWN STUFF THAT DOESNT EXIST?!?!?! im freaking out man
still plays just on his other characters D:
ur not the only one, I thought it was chi too, this post cleared all that up for me lol
chance from drops, or make your own gear for a better chance by taking up the tailor skill
more then the wings, I wish we were allowed to edit our chars to be skinny like that instead of being banned :c
that time the Leader of Evolution Dr.Pepper? or something got banned for making fake bids with an alt guild, the time when RoC was being remade into Enrage the last 4 members defending against a guild by themselves and winning (I was one of them b:laugh) all I can think of atm
Dear Santa, I just want a tome, any old thing will do :3.