I arranged that blind date for my big bro because he wasn't that successful with the female gender in the past. b:surrender
Fishes are OP.
Yay, alt-conversation! I don't know if you realized it but oracles are so 2009. Now nearly every1 is using Hypers, which are way more cost-efficient than oracles. I bet you use them too, or want to prove it wrong? So "wtf the point of the game was..." is? You should continue with an explanation instead of giving an example…
I don't mind taking the cookie if he doesn't want it.
WTB 1 Sin on RT who has 1. good equips 2. knowledge and 3. skill and isn't only relying on shadow escape and invisible triple sparks. Any offers?
I don't care much atm, too busy with trolling. Once I reach 80+ I'm going to pretend that I'm a factor and join Infamy. Then we finally (thanks to my awesomeness) take over the whole map. Maybe I will lose my virginity, but that is a worthy sacrifice if the outcome is in our interest. Hail the red turtle!
You show me yours and I show you mine?
Wrong, I was in her pants all the time and I wasn't able to witness her killing Diesel.
Sorry, I didn't have much time since I'm busy working on my Warsoul helmet, but once I'm done with that I hope I can fulfill your expectations.
Double spark? Penetration, he meant penetration.
Hole is hole, 3 or 2 doesn't matter that much unless it's not a foursome so don't try to avoid sexual harassment, sugar.
Oh my god we should reroll an alt together, named Rhwaragos. That is your equip and my awesomeness and it sounds like a Pokemon! I don't know what Umbra is saying but it looks like she wants sex.
**** you, you only won because you charge so much! And your betrayers! And I was busy with TT so I couldn't be there, I made more money in the same time so why should I attend TW when my payment would be lower anyways? Hm? *****.
I smell virgin diaries...will Esuna bow down to Bastilla and make a real man out of him? And what part is Mikako playing? Will Bastilla get confused about his feelings because of her? How will Esuna feel when she finds out? And who the hell made a hole in NightRage's condom?
In 2 months I will farm my TT gear and I will make more money in 1 hr than Infamy would pay me for 1 TW.
I love Rawrgh because he is so awesome. b:thanks
Gate C? What's that?..If it's the girls toilet which I always turtle then you might be right...oh I gotta love those screams when I come in and block the entrance. You are so considerate towards me...I feel so are the first who gives me that warm and soft feeling. a/s/l? Stealth, triple spark, 1 skill + BR -…
Don't call me an object it hurts my feelings b:cry