^wrote the miranda rights
^always wanted to be a duck
^tried to teach those chimei monsters how to play rock paper scissor
^sleeps/has slept through every class without getting noticed by teachers.
^thinks the chicken dance is the best dance ever.
^is chief skunk
^got into a fender bender with bieber
^is the one who busted sham-wow
^designed the snuggie
^thinks celestone fragments are a waste of space
^didn't know what dex, str, vit, and mag were up until a few days ago.
^was attacked by me
^still hasn't mastered the gas grill
^survives off twinkies and potato chips due to the lack of cooking ability.
^performed lady gagas song, alejandro for the school play. used all the moves and propss from the official music vid. got suspended for a week afterwards because of suggestive themes.
^is a crash test person for alien space craft
i would make you clean it up e.e
^^syedora still watches power rangers
ahem. actually, archosaurs were ancient crocs and were BEFORE dinosaurs. or not. there's way too many sites on them and i'm confused. most call them dinosaurs. for arguements sake, let's just say they're early dinosaurs.
^googles info before possting it. (on a side note, archosaur was a class of dinosaurs based on certain characteristics)
^has about 15 different pwi chars. none of them are over lvl 20.
^just told the truth
^wants a nyan cat pet named "kitty kitty"
^collects empty rolls of ducktape
i can just imagine it now. girl1: sorry. didn't get there in time. who were u pked by? girl2: *dreamy gaze* inuyasha... girl1: no way! girl2: i kno rite? *both fangirl squeal*
^is going to help me with the "eye of the snake" quest.
^is a hardcore PKer on pvp server
^knows how to play kill monsters and be afk at the same time.
^is the cake boss
^is king kong