7/10 for your's okay. dunno why that I don't really like the name :P
6/10 for it =]
5/10 for's okay
7/10 pretty cool name
7/10..a unique name :P
10/10...I DO!!!! =] Renowhoyawad
RenowhoyaBeth Bethwhoyawad
4/10....really unusual to me :P Renowhoyawad :D
9/10 lol it's just a name i used for a gamertag...kinda a long story
hahaha im only 16 but im turning 17 soon naaw, you're not old.. The average age person who plays video games is usually 30
Renowhoyamiar Miarwhoyawad
9/10 Wow last time i checked this thread it only had 5 pages :P Renowhoyawad
Rose red was a freakin creep **** movie
2/10 even weirder name
cya kinda funny how you can't get the thing to you have a bunch of files? enough space? The right kind of RAM for the game?
thank you very much =]
welcome to PW! Awww to bad you don't play on PVP server :P
welcome to PW! if you play in PVP and Lost City server, send meh a friend request =]
Star Craft: Broodwar - US West, Timmay there are some but i don't play them much anymore
like i said before, maybe have a x4-x10 exp event for like a week
Fiesta was a good game, i played it when it came out for everyone =]...but it does get boring :P
7/10 i like that name hawk, use to be included in my game names from other video games
hi...there are 2 servers that you can play in..PVE and PVP.. PVP is the lost city and PVE is the other one :P yes, tankers are usually asked quite a lot to be partied with when trying to fight bosses in dungeons or anywhere. Yes there is a forum guild topic in this forum. i believe they do...
awww i'll be sleeping then i'll be at school before the surprise..but i'll be able to see the new prise in the morning on the forums can't wait for what the surprise is
i guess they had the prices up high just becuz the game just opened up from Beta, and they are prolly taking advantage of that situation..this is just my thought but hopefully it'll change, and more updates will change
well they can always change the look for the barbarian female or male veno they just need to reconfigure there bodies and make it female and male like
i say EXP events time to time! or just raise the exp higher...becuz if the level max is the hell is anyone suppose to get to lvl 100?.. Is PW really trying to force us in buying there stuff with our real money? that's kinda messed up to me
2/10...what's that suppose to mean or how'd u get it? funky name lol it's really easy i'll say it part by part; Reno-who-ya-wad..there ya go
errm 30k coins...meh bad lol, i just started playing this game yesterday too..idk if 30k coins is a lot of not
i really hate the word's really annoying