I really don't understand where the message goes then O.o I was on an alt that can't even be messaged and I got the "welcome back warrior" reward thing. So if the reward doesn't require a message, and the message doesn't go to email, where the heckklesticks is it going o.O
Sadly nothing to report yet, though I'm hopeful; friend has been busy irl and hasn't had a chance to get back to me. The probable hypothesis I'm working with is that it -is- email related, and that makes me feel even more guilty XD That's the only rational way a person who has nothing to do with the game or any PWE game…
Basically because they shouldn't be there to begin with. I know what they're used for, and I don't agree with them being there, so if I can mess with them in any way, however briefly, I would do it. If it wasn't against the TOS, I wouldn't complain, but as it is, it would satisfy my need for justice to get in their way if…
Eh, most people I know don't use botting for coins after dq went to 0, even when pots did have a sell price, but for xp. I do sometimes. At that point it's not about making money, it's about covering repair costs. For science I'll have to check if from the remaining stackable items with a sell price I can still cover…
It's a shame. But yeah, like a lot of people, I have a decent stash of subs now, prolly more than I'll ever need; I don't farm tt unless I'm making something, and I only make something if a new race comes out that has char-specific weapons, so I don't foresee myself ever needing subs again. I think I'm one of the small…
I spammed a friend who regularly plays, but has alts they rarely play on my f-list, and asked them to let me know by what miens they get harassed. For science.
Still a little confused about the inventory bag expansion thing, so I probably won't expand the bags of my chars that have already used the super expansion. Happy about the pet bag thing though XD Auto-pot seems fine, I always set it to activate before charm anyway. I could prolly listen to any Tyr album on repeat forever…
I can only speak from a Sanct perspective, because that's where I stick to. Population and activity levels by my criteria (amount of players visible in active areas, amount and variety of dungeons being advertised in wc, catshop population) haven't reached levels where I feel the server is in any danger or could be…
No I would not. Most of the ones I stay in contact with are perfectly aware of the game, as I often talk about the things I'm doing here, and if they had any interest in playing, they would. I disagree strongly with encouraging players to spam ex-players with messages about coming back to a game they quit (long ago) for…
<.< I have pretty unimpressive shards as it is and I purge fine. Anything better than I have now obviously will help me live longer, and if I had oodles of cash on hand I might go for JoSD, but I'm trying to be effective and fiscally practical XD IG is my real enemy b:laugh
I'll jump on the "make 'em stashable" train. That's the easiest way to make them more interesting in my opinion. I was literally just complaining the other day that my alts have better cards than I do, just from pure luck, and all they get are free packs when PWi gives them away lol.
1. Yes, HA veno is fine. G16 gear is perfectly fine if you stick with HA veno build since there are no rank options for a HA veno. And yes if you go g16 you can do pvp and not suck. Honestly there is so much less attitude about gear/builds, anyone can do everything in anything pretty much, so no need to worry about it, do…
I think it's more along the lines of being cheaper because you can make'em yourself; can't make JoSD at a base forge, but making shinny rainbow vit stones sounds very appealing :D Buying from other players of course they're gunna try to make as big a profit as possible, no blame there. Uch, all these math-type numbers make…
I've played all 3 and I like all 3. Mystic seems like a good choice for you from what I've read. In the end, all classes end-game have equal chance to be OP so "betterness" is left up to the level of enjoyment you get out of playing the char + the quality of gear you go with. But well, on the plus side, either one you…
Mmmk so I got the Tier 1 reward on the character I intended to get the reward. I draw a conclusion that the log in counter sets not after bh reset, but after hyper reset; because in my timezone technically the 3rd day had yet to occur. So at least for me time-zone wise I think that creates a re-log time of 3pm, while 3am…
I only log out for maint, so technically you could say I'm never not playing >.> Actively though, I average about 3-8 per day, so well in the range of 31+ hours per week.
Indeed, only an idiot would buy packs to get mats to make a warsoul weapon. I don't care about packs; I don't gamble, I spend my coins on stuff, not the potential for stuff. And, I'm a veno, so I don't get to care about all-class pets either b:cry racism I tell you!!
It's depressing is what it is. But in the end our opinion doesn't matter at all. I can't believe at least they wouldn't try to migrate threads, considering the years of info and assistance contained within. I probably won't bother with the new forum, I'll stick to faction forums for info about stuff. I don't support ARC or…
I just assume we have maint on maint day. Tis normally at the same time every week, coincidentally the same day my computer demands I restart for updates so it's easy for me to remember lol. So I'd say just err on the side of maint day; it's more unusual to not have maint. I'd almost say they don't -need- to make a post…
I don't do events, so whatever few crystals I get I use for hp/mp charms, especially mp charms on my mages since I never buy mp ones, but I'll take'em when they're free XD When that option runs out I might waste the rest on Gold/XP scratchcards.
Sometimes...I just stand there and let them die on me, giggling. Anyhuu, I don't know about Lost, but there's plenty of venos on Sanct, one could almost say toooo many >.> Also, pretty much everyone is easy to kill if you have super OP gear. These days either you're easy to kill, or you're super difficult to kill, that's…
I'd definitely visit Mars if I was asked to go for some odd reason O.o So few humans get to physically leave this planet for extended periods of time and set foot on completely different ones, I'd love to be on that list!
Personally I believe if you're making a pair, an ideal situation would be 1 physical damage character + 1 magical damage character. Even better if the magical damage character has healing abilities, especially if you're thinking of duoing all the dungeons and doing all the farming exclusively and early. Alternatively if…
Oh yeah I'm not doubting that it is an unintended exploit, I'm just drawing similarities between other unsportsmanlike tactics. By "Illegal" I'm assuming most people would define that in PWI terms as "Something that could get you banned", and based on the posts of others in this thread, things like this have been going on…
I can understand how annoying and frustrating that is, just watching the vid I could practically -feel- the seething rage :S Can we get stuck in terrain, yep. Can seekers switch locations with their enemies, yep. Was the skill implemented with full knowledge that we can get stuck in terrain, definitely yes. Therefore I…
I really enjoy weapons, and I'm also a mega-hoarder; I have literally every single weapon my veno has ever used, and sometimes if I'm looking for a weapon for an alt I'll peruse my collection and remember fond times XD I did find a gold OHT pataka with nice stats hanging out in there. I don't really "forget" my items as…
Unfortunately I feel I assumed that they would increase the basic size of the inventory bag, pre-inventory expansion stone, to compensate for the plethora of extra non tradeable non stashable items the game has now, and that the error came from the game not taking into consideration the players who used an advanced…
As a veno I too have not had much trouble with the new classes in PK situations (aka NW). Haven't seen that many DBs, but as far as the SBs go, even if I can't necessarily kill them outright because I'm being assaulted by other people simultaneously that cause greater threat, they don't themselves do that much damage to me…
I really don't like when people bring 2+ alts to FSP, 1 alt is fine. Normally I'm not in a squad that contains more than 2 alts from 2 different people, but when I'm in a squad where one person has 2+, I notice a definite difference in the time it takes to finish the dungeon, so it's hard to convince me that 1 person can…
True, like others have said, the PWI community is a thirsty dog in the desert, give it a spoonful of water and it'll wag its tail for a while. Desperate for progress, puppy will beg for more. I'll be less sarcastic and more appreciative if this becomes a trend and continues. Don't let the PWI puppy die from dehydration <3…