I was resisting my level 80 friends Plume Shots with Psychic Will when I first got it at 59, she was quite shocked and awed by the skill, as was I. <3 the guide btw
Because the psychic's knockback skill Landslide also interrupts channeling. Running that extra couple meters to save yourself from getting slapped in the face is pretty worth it. Ranged mob, no, magic mob, yes. AI/SB Repeating Macro isn't all that great once you get to level 19, you should be starting the fight early with…
Can't say I'm totally surprised. Staz is something of an emotional rollercoaster.
To answer the question about Psychics tanking Qingzi with White Voodoo. It is entirely possible, I have done it twice. I did it after I had finished with bh29 and had just moved up to bh39, and was helping a friend. So, high level 40's to low 50's was when I did it. Idea was to just toss a spell in every now and then and…
Sage looks like the way to go, but we can't say anything for sure till the official Sage/Demon is out.
I have a correction for you that needs fixing: This Thread should be Stickey'd! Good stuff man. With respect to the DoT's, both of mine are at max level. I use them all the time, they are good to cast if you have aggro problems in your party. And when you stack them on each other with soulburn on an increased life mob, or…
Well, water makes sense. You're a mermaid. Earth, you're a fish out of water? The Soul Skills are what makes the Psychic psychic-y
Lol, that was actually the very first thing I noticed when I started playing the Psychic. The water attack is an earthy brown/yellow, and the earth attack is a dark black/blue/purple color. Developer fail imo. They can't really change it, it's been too long. People would just complain and get confused if all of a sudden…
This buff used to last 1 minute. It was annoying as hell, because it would run out and have to be recast constantly. Now if you turn on black voodoo in a run, you will be screwed because you will start drawing aggro all over the place, and have to nerf yourself with white voodoo, and become fairly useless. With it lasting…
Best piece of advice I can give you is to play both classes and see which you like best. They are very different from one another, despite them both being support/dd classes.
Two words: White Voodoo.
Right now there is no point at all. We'll see what they do with Sage/Demon to see whether or not there will be a point.
Lol, you rock Zan.
Just wait till you get Psychic Will at level 59, between your AoE's and that skill, you will be able to grind around 5 poison mobs all at the same time. =D
You were talking like you were better than this person, talking down to them. Yes, that's hostile.
Your Spiritual Cultivation level is a prerequisite for your skills. Complete the gold colored Spiritual Cultivation Quests to raise your Cultivation level.
Well said Tarjanette. Hypnos, did you even read the first post? Acting like an **** is really helping your cause as a psychic. Continue perpetuating the stereotypes, please.
I am honestly not following any "build" at all. If anything you can call me pure magic. Every level I dump all 5 points into magic, unless I have a new equip I need to wear, in which case I raise my str accordingly. If you want more HP, get some citrines, and unless your plan is to wear LA, don't touch Dex. Between White…
Mizuoni, do you have any idea how redundant it is to say "Every psychic is an idiot... Except for the few I squad with." Stfu and gtfo unless you have something constructive to add.
So I see the title of this thread, read the first post, and think to myself "Awesome, someone beat me to posting about this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has realized the usefulness of Landslide." Then I read the second post, and I think "Oh look, here comes another flamewar." And the third post happens. Oh look,…
Someone sticky this, it's been super handy while making my fist BM.
*Facepalm* Seriously... Seriously? THAT sounds like an even bigger load of BS than what started this thread. Care to back that one up with some screenshots, and some math?
People like you do nothing but perpetuate BS. Say that again with a character avatar so we can all flame you in game for being such a tool.
I too used my level 30 token weapon for a really long time, till I was level 58. Right now im using the TT60 weapon. Best thing you can hope for is that your weapon token quests give you weapons. If not check the AH for some gold weapons you can use.
I love how the guy who started this thread was level 16. And everyone, instead of realizing the kid was a noob who clearly didn't know his head from his ****, raged for 30 pages worth of thread.
... *yawn*
I've been completely sharding with HP, since white voodoo reduces the damage I take from phys mobs enough that more phys def isn't really all that needed. Even though I am a pure mag build, wearing arcane armor.
The -Atk Lvl has to come with the +Def Lvl to balance it out. I imagine the demon/sage skills we will be getting in the future will have some sort of mana regen associated with at least one or two skills.
Wizards can chain cast their heals, sure, it has a long channel, but it heals ALOT at higher levels, if you level your heal up you can easily heal yourself to full HP when you get down low mid fight. Not to mention: Sutra = 6 heals in 6 seconds. Psychics heal over-time like Ironheart for 15 seconds, however the heal cools…
LAAAAAAG At the very most, get someone in the fight to record it and post it on youtube.