I have also hit 5.2m zerk crit with +10 r9X3 wep. ReckUrWorld - Sage EA - 105 105 103 RuleUrWorld - Sage DB - 103 103 100
<Full R9X3 dph sage duskblade I take aggro from prob 98% of anyone ive been in squad with for the last 2months with a +10 R9X3 wep. My opinion.... with the primal skill dmg passives that reaper skill spamming is top of the food chain for maximum damage with this class. Just my opinion. ReckUrWorld - Sage EA - 105 105 103…
Never. Well that was an easy question to answer. PW doesnt care about PWI if thats not apparent already
I have ran over 70 WS runs in the last week since the weapons were suppose to be dropped from the last boss. None of them have done so. Would love an admin to please post here and answer.
Has there been any word as of why the R9 and NV3 weapons for the new classes are not out yet? Seems silly there was a huge big patch and two maitences since and no reason given why they have not been released.
All i want to know is why the developers keep giving us skills that we will NEVER have use for in normal PVP. Yes if u know u are going to kill a group of people fine. BUT, when am i going to have two sparks to waste on a ATK skill when im kiting R9+12 sins all day long. Its a joke. Every update we get cool skills that i…
hold down 1 key press tab. PVP on EA done.
Cant wait to have a red named lvl 1 char :)
ha ha i was the same way i got drug in when i was in essence with hh90/99gear and a +10 cv bow i laugh everytime a NV3 or R9 ea dies in WS
Yup i got 36 thousand kills from not knowing how my skills work. Crazy right?
because ur not a factor
I call Raphael
of course i do i need chi. and 2nd you cant spell lol
you wanted a real answer Adriot? its 1:19 pm EST just went out at west for an event and CT starts killing everyone. Me nykage and axestar party up to defend. 3 of us. vs. Hexstar Deathstrike Sean_Sin ZchristianZ Duque_C URINDANGER Serensai Kayparker 8 vs 3.... i want you to fight 3 105 JOSD sins ,a full 3rd cast JOSD psy,…
whats pvp?
Too bad we cant have a 10vs10 pk against different servers..... come on gms get with it. These PVE players are starting to think they have skill again....
Lol people QQing about archer stealth. Funny shiit.
stun arrow + quickshot - 10% crit 50% atk speed. GG.
R9+12 Armors +11-12 Cape Ring -10 A +12 G16 nv bow does more dmg than mine but the bonus stats of R9 are way better than NV. not to mention the debuff. R9> G16NV not to mention if you ever decide to go 3rd cast R9 which is WAY OP.
and im guessing the skill is still worthless?
Much love to Trel and Silver :)
this was funny
Watched Kirbys vid. not bad. Two totally differnet styles thou. I can count the times i have anti-stunned-3 sprk/12sec immune on one hand thou, and I only use PVP pots/Defense pots in tw. Would be an epic 1v1 thou. He is full 12 im guessing as well by hp etc. 19k is gross. I still am most 11/10 's. Also vid was done on 30…
This just about says it. This beyond useless maybe if it was for a decent amount of time say 10 min. But I have had this skill for over a week and haven't used it in pk yet. I chalk this one up as a failure
The feeling of owning the entire map
A good bm? tell me one plz? Calvin- Best bm Fight i had - Won 3 times best of 3 NyKage 0 Reck 3 Almon - lol wont face me. takes 10k from stun. Gilforn was a great fight still beat him Jungleboy - very good skills. Only last time we 1v1 i two shot him. plz explain if these arent the best of our sever. cause if im not…
If i am a poor representation of pvp. I am willing just for you to 1v1 for 20-50m coin best of 3 with no pvp pots. and for the noobs u dont 2sprk or 1 sprk to do dmg. u do it to resist silence or stun. If u face either a mage or ea and resist their stun or silence...ALL you have to do is auto atk and they die...... And the…
was r9 wiz r8 wiz R9 bm and wiz R9 ea R9 wiz R9 ea R9 wiz R9 ea. in order idk what else to fight besides R9 ?? b:shocked