i got Wings of Protection and is really good.u notice the difference.but has a big disadvantage cooldown some 3 mins
can i get an official reply pls b:surrender not about the skills but about the genie's Growth feature (that one that is supposed to influence ur chances of getting more random/lucky points once in 10 lvls) that is set by default to 50. I haven't sen anyone with more or less than 50 Growth. Is it a bug or will be like this…
ppl understood that the genies's appearance will become Orange that means a white snowy genie becomes orange or glowing orange? i don't think so. If u meant the colour of the lucky points text when u hoover or whatever. Lucky Points :100/100 that's more plausible. b:thanks
please remove the Color Codes from guide, because is making ppl confused ; they don't apply in this version. The genies are 4 colours or 4 seasons, if u notice : white (Winter), orange (Fall), pink (Spring), green (Summer) ... -or summer and spring whatever- the Colour Codes (! in this guide) only reffer to the ammount of…
maintenance for me is usually wednesday morning at 10am - 12am which means 11pm-1am pacific time i think.. for me is 22 hours from now.. if there aren't changes. b:victory
b:chuckle lol Kantorek so u'll hide again in the walls :P
b:cute b:victory yey the new expansion looks great! Good Job guys! but...but..umm.. i only see 2 new aerogear, will there be one for cleric by any chance?b:sad and about the genies.. they will lvl once our char levels? because that means if high lvl people are.. let's say 90+ and they lvl really hard.. in weeks.. it means…
anyway usually a maintenance ends at 1 am PST, so why will be today different? :P
haha maintenance is over because i patched up like an hour ago .. patch 114 b:chuckleb:chuckle b:chuckle but if we can't get on a different thing :P
it already did b:chuckleb:laugh
hehe i meant the new wq started; for me is new morning and new wq :P b:victory
oh come on guys i'm 5 min behind at doing my wq+cs b:surrender b:chuckle
i think that's from an arena/temple of the dragon idk b:surrender
i think i know which is the troubled guild ..nw i won't tell b:victory all i can say is that ur guild reached this situation because when was formed random ppl joined based on their lvls, few groups of friends were from the beginning there, all that came along were just trying to fit or they just joined because of TW, to…
Don't worry! They will be added ..if not sooner then later, there are A LOT of other items available for u to see but not touch in this game yet. U can't have everything from the start. Till that aerogear to be available there are a lot more aerogear to be realeased. That one is one of the best and will be realeased among…
at least 1 just for celestone fragments , because u'll get 5 of those, the rest are just 1 b:chuckle
^^ me wants this and this *-*
idk if i should post here.. but after the patch update my personalized group colours from Friends List display the default (yellow) color now. And i wanted to set the colour i had before but there is no preview color when i'm trying to make a color. I can manage to set them how they previously were, but i just wanted to…
kantorek psst psst b:chuckle what ingame event will be at 6pm pst? i'm gonna miss this event too..b:surrender i'm just going to sleep is almost 3am here :(
b:thanks ...
indeed b:faint i like those too b:thanks
the lion still the best mount so far b:pleased b:victory
yep i noticed too.. the spells of wizards look awesomer than any other b:sad
Me too .. b:victory
i'm not even complaining about how many prizes are given out.. from the moment it's announced that a new day started.. i spent like 12h or a bit more and i haven't seen any announcements at least, about the event.. :)
what you mean? to downloaad the game with the game client? (i just tried with the game client downloader.. it should work.. or u ca always download from torrent file..) or to download the update after u installed the game? (go to the Manual Patches page and dowload the patch and make a manual update; it's easier than an…
umm nice info Gargonia. Anyway i picked over 200 honey (from my initiative; even if it was not needed for us to use them) for the male, so we were even :) ; too bad they didn't get the same exp.. But i wonder what did they get from that chest..? -well some might got nothing because they missed one key or something.. -
I agree the location of Elder Matchmaker it's really bad picked (if another district than West Arch is the main center of Archosaur... then it wouldn't have been so much lag around the E. Matchmaker..) My issue is more about the wedding outfit =))) PW International version.. then what's up with those wedding clothes =))) i…
same here.. i have 3 pendant frags. wish i could trade the honey chocolate or honey frag.items for the last pendant frag, with the npc.. so i can make the pendant at least.. or it would have been really nice if the pendant frags could be tradeable, so we can buy from other players the needed frags to make the item.. things…
same b:victory