RazMan - Lost City Arc User


  • Appreciate the link, been looking for manual patch all over the place.
  • WOW, someone took me serious that I REALLY thought i could SOLO CQ crystal with no charm? Someone needs to get out more.. b:chuckle
  • How about points for Soloin their crystral with no charm? b:chuckle
  • Well it was fun while it lasted, but in truth, I am glad I will have a weekend without worrying about TW after four long weeks. Good job at finally defeating us. Enjoy the free TP to V30 area while you have it.. b:chuckle -Da RazMan
  • I have had the problem a few times myself, but it is not so bad that I cannot play or feel that I have to cosntantly log off and then back in. Most times I am in a FB/TT it does not happen at all, but sometimes it does. When it does happen it is quite anoying though. If this could be fixed it would make the game a lot…
  • I have still heared nothing concerning the dissapearance of my Swiftshadow. I understand you guys are working on other tickets and what not that are more important then someone loosing their mount, but this hinders me quite a bit. Could someone please get back with me or at least give me some kind of update. Thanks, Da Raz
  • I personally LOVE my Discipline. It may just have wings for arms, but it is very nice looking. I thought it was good when it was stage 1 appearance. Now it is 4 and it is gorgeous. -Da RazMan
  • Just because your genie gets sucky stats in the beginning does not mean it will continue to suck. my first lucky points was 3/10 then after that i got a few 9 and 10s, then a 1 and then more 9s and 10s. Genie currently is 62/80. In the end I am glad I stuck with it. Unfortunately, with the randomness of the lucky points,…
  • My Genie is lvl 82 and already looks like the 4th discipline that is depcited. Its luck points are currently 62/80 though, so it is gold. I would think that the orange genie would look even better, but do not see any pictures of those on ecatomb.
  • Heh, your not looking in the right place. You can find Legendary equipment by searchng in the following location: Armor/Legendary Armors within that area you have different options of the type of Legendary you want to find.
  • Do Barbs level slower? I personally do not think I do, I have several other classes in my guild that were around the same level as me when I joined. Currently I have kept up in level with most of them, and some of them are even lower level then me currently. And I have a few things that should prevent me from leveling up…
  • Most likely the reason why your yellow arrow is not showing up for quest completed would be because it is not selected in your quest list. There are a few quests that it will not show up, like sometimes on the Crazy Stone quest, and one of the elf quests, but other than those you should see an arrow every time if quest is…
  • It is amazing how everyone expects they should get instant gratification when a change is made or something is added to a game. If you cannot grind and work to the level/goal to get new items that are added to a game, why are you here? If this expansion is unfair then I guess HH and all the other things are unfair, as they…