Aww, thank you so much for your suggestions, Desdi! b:cute I will keep them like a treasure. (by the way, I'm the stalker from Tumblr. XD)
It happen very often, sometimes even in the room 4 where there's no objects where you could get stuck. I noticed that summer sprint is a problem: if I use it in a combo my veno always stops. Try to remove it from the combo if you use it. :) but I think it could be a lagg problem too. Who knows. And congrats for the nix! :D
In this moment I'm lvl 90 and I have about 2m. I know, I'm amazing. b:laugh this is my build, but ring and hat are wird on the caulculator. I'll have mostly pve, and sometimes NW and TW. I already know it will be hard for me to reach g16 because I'm very easygoing, I only want to have fun…
I have a question. What do you think are the pro and con of a vit build compared to the heavy one? What's the better one, thinking in terms of survival and solo ability?
Hell yeah, baby. b:dirty [QUOTE=Desdi - Sanctuary;21617201 I've seen Venomancers literally refusing to do things, even after asked to, saying that they have R9 and they are big DDs now so someone else has to do their job. That was in PvE, it has improved since then. In PvP you'll occasionally see, even today, some…
Hahahahaha you're evil!! XD
Call me stupid, but could you explain this line? o_O And guys, please stop arguing like babies, I don't want to see this useful discussion closed because you can't decide whos the veno with bigger... tail. b:laugh we're not talking about what's the only good build, we're talking about what's the better build for each…
Rixoth/ VaIkyyrie: by the way, what kind of shards do you prefer with this build? Always citrinces, or something else? I think I'll be a vit hybrid after all, with 100 or a little more vit. Desdi: wedding challenge accepted. b:angry but yes, find reset notes for a fair price is impossible in these days... luckily we have…
Rixoth: you're the living proof that female barbarians exist!! this is completely amazing! O_O I could never imagined such a build for a veno. Ok for survability, but this is legendary. I don't know if I really like the idea to reduce my damage, but as you said this build looks perfect for pvp. And about pve, you can…
Desdi, can I marry you? <3 thank you so much, like always!
"Omg you no have Herc?? Wtf fail veno no squad for ya!" b:sad try to buy a Herc on Morai Server, where a single gold cost more than 3.5 kk. Anyway. Oh gosh, i didn't know anything about this O_O so the only classes we should bramble are Assassin, Seeker and Barbarian? I read somewhere that Cleric hates brable too, but no…
It sounds a loss of time to me. You could need to switch to human form very quickly, and you can't use your human skills with a non-magic weapon. Even using hotkeys it could be hard, and you can't even heal your pet. And I didn't know nything about this glitch. O_O
Hey buddies! :) Can I ask for a small add-no to the guide? The theory about stats and everything is perfect, but it would be wonderful to see videos of heavy venos doing stuff. I think it's the better way to learn such a complicated gameplay. So what about a small section dedicated to videos? Come on tank foxies, share…
The best place to lvl up your pet if you're under lvl 100 is the room 4 in Cube of Faith. It's safe, there's no risk to get stuck and be killed by mobs, and both you and your pets can oneshot the mobs. They're not even immune to elements, so you can use your magic to kill them. :) The bad side is that you have to reach it.…
Amen. Sigh, I guess I need at least 3 or more chara at lvl 71 before go over lvl 80 with my main.. :(
Good, and how to get enough coins for the basic stuff then? :/ I'm desperate even just for a Herc.
O_O Gosh Mauntille... I would never have enough patience to do such a huge research. Thank you for sharing your work!
Wooow, that's extremely useful Mauntille! Thank you so much! :D it seems fair to me. So, with this build you're more human form and your best damage comes from magic, but switch to fox to tank, right? Would you use a alternative magic set when needed, to make more damage in human form?
So, remaining on the armor discussion... a heavy veno must be able to wear 99 lvl magic gears, but it can use lowest lvl heavy armor like 90 or 80 if it have to put something more on mag, right? I know Myerna suggested to not plan too much on stats, but I can't help... XD even just a lvl 80 heavy armor require 246 to str…
You're right, Marengo... if you suck at being a Veno, leg pets won't save you. That's why I want to get good gears instead of spend coins and time on source of force. I pvp only in nw too, maybe in tw in future, but nothing else just like you, Unbroken. And yes, even if rare pets are not strong like the leg, I love to…
This guide is great, thank you for posting! :) Just for question, is there any youtube channel about heavu build veno videos?
Because my sin is lvl 10 at the moment. b:laugh it was just to make me a idea. Thanks!
As I though XD thank you!
Yeah, the problem is to find a good friend who play in both servers. I guess it will take time. :( Eh, I wish I could go back in time and choose Morai as first server... I can't be part of any event because of my time zone, they all start in the middle of the night :( no territory war, no national war, anything. Oh well, I…
Do they could allow server transfer? O_O How? Sorry for the noob question, I don't play since more than six months. :P
As always, you're the best with Veno advices ^__^ thank you Dresdi! If one day you'll go around Morai once again, I'll give you a foxy hug!
Thank you Smurf :)
@Smurf: yeah, looks like TT is the only good source of money for us. But do you mean squad or solo mode? @Rue: you're a evil genius, foxy! b:laugh bunny will follow your evil advices. @Tindie: I already have two characters over lvl 70 just to take the starting 188k if I have no time to do all the quests :D a very easy way…
A very interesting and wise suggestion, Dresdi. :) thank you!
Mmh maybe the headless knight it's a nice idea... I'll try them, and I'll tell you what's the best. Thank you Mayfly! :D Hehehe, I love to make pet experiments! b:laugh