CAT VENO FORM PLOX <33333 As for the bolded *** part, either have the limitations like the winged elves (but make it waaay more harsh since they arn't supose to fly (like you loose 50 mp/s instead of 1/sec like Winged elves (just to keep the elves and veno haters happy))) Or have a devil form for the devil veno as if some…
I'm not even of this server but I just rofled so hard I think a blood vessle popped! b:laugh I love you!
True that. I hate steel, but its from more than one person than just Vert or some other members whom are known well to be hated in Sanctuary. XP But yeah...You know nef and legend are going to rip Steel in half trying to out bid eachother just to get a bite on the members XD *sits back, eats popcorn and waits for the blood…
When I was lvl 40 I was fighting the Lofty dragon things, and was doing a quest, getting rubybeads for coin AND using up a scroll. So I had this spot all to myself until this barb comes in with a claric, about my lvl and white name and begins to ks the **** out the mobs I had and even some from people miles off from me. So…
4 billion exp sounds outragous atm, but as you get higher lvl, the exp is higher as well. So for example, if you were lvl one and got 100 exp, you'd probably level about 3 times. However, at lvl 20, that 100 exp might be about 5% or less. Hell, i get 75k exp from cs and it gives me 10%, when if i was 40 getting that, i'd…
I think there is one because I was looking for fbs a few months back and when me, a archer, two barbs and a human were looking around, i was in Plume, the two barbs were in lost while the archer and human were in Etherblade. I started to shout common things like 'High lvls helping with your Call of Duty: Xenobeast!" when…
"My res is lvl 1. What's so great about it being max?" T_T I had that once...
Dreaming because most of their members think that if a faction has 'dream' in it, they MUST be trying to copy them. I feel bad for the little kinds in Dreamcast, who made their faction off the old console. lol at failed attempts at being better than other people. Oh, and their leader fails at speaking the human language…
I've done it. When I was a total nub on pets I actually was a heavy armor veno with no pet. I went from 1 to 30 before I noticed Arcane Venos do loads more damage, restated, got a good pet and lvled from there XD
Double posting is a bad thing you know.
Is it me or were Barbs and Blademasters left out on this rant? b:chuckle I see the favoritism now. :3
+1 b:chuckle
If you die, you could drop items. If your red, you reeeeally drop items. Guardian Angels.....lots and lots of Guardians.
Blood Mist nao plox. b:victory
+1 Not to mention adding accuracy to archers = no class would survive in PvP. Go die. Wizards time cut in half = they're slow for a reason. They hit hard as ****ing hell. Clarics get 0% loss res. = **** that. Max out res, get a few guardians and cry and river and qq in your mother's basement. No offense, but Clarics were…
I'm a girl and I think those glitter sticks are **** as hell >.> Sad day for Elven kind if you ask me...
I agree. When I was lvl 20 or so, I wanted to tame a kitty. however, I could NEVER take it because it was never there. @_@ All Class pets shouldn't exist. Plain and simple. They're useless as hell. All I see players saying is "Oooo look at me I wasted 400k+ on a pet that does NOTHING"....You call that classy? Sounds stupid…
You would be fat and not fit in your armor if you did that >.> Fat wedding brides/grooms is very unpleasent to the rest of us who would wish to see XD ADDON: Well, since 105 apparently isn't the max level for the game. (I know 105 is ATM but not in the coming years. It will be bumped to 150 in time). then getting 200k rep…
If they didn't get rep or exp for the fbs, you know pretty damn well no one would give two ****s about the lower lvls xD Even for this event. >.>
bump only because this veno thread is good. Sticky it.
I'm not even an elf and i'm disappointed >.> If I made a female elf, got those wings, i'd rip them right off and demand demonic ones through shouts for 3 hours....Seriously....those wings FAIL.
They were high on something for sure...and it wasn't the blood of the fallen that's for sure b:irritated
added to that hatelist: ALL THE GMS. For spamming the world chat, getting away with it and lagging us all to no end with mobs that you can't see before they're dead, you lag die, lag out, lag move.............................Anything else with the world lag in it. Zidane was the least of my problems when the event made…
Depends on stats and which mob. If your a veno/claric/wizard attacking a magic resistant mob = slow as ****. If you're a bm/barb/archer attacking a increase lifer = slow as ****. Mainly depends on how your character is built, which monster you are attacking and lvl difference of the player vs mob.
I wish that april fools joke was real... I WANT BLOOD MIST FOR MY VENO D:
I just laughed so hard I think i choked on my lung XD Omg...Asians...I rofl everytime they translate to engrish b:laugh
If you don't come back, can I has your stuff? XD jk jk. BUMP :D
its kinda funny cuz if they get halfway through the fight, and then you kill it, they get the credit. So its kinda funny when they spazz about it XP My issue with ksers when I have my pet tanking without me attacking: Moment they hit it, recall my pet so it agros them. If they're too weak, they die. If they can tank it but…
I agree. I had this very issue last night. I asked my faction for help on my TT60 quests for over a week, and FINALLY had a squad going. It was me, a veno, two clarics, and a bm. We all agreed to do the quests, but last minute they wanted to kill the drum boss. So, we slaughter the boss and the mats drop. Throughout both…