Bottom Line. Quit Selling stuff from the boutique. make everything its normal price, and fix the game glitches. This is a Game, not a Place where Teenagers/Adults blow their paychecks on because 2 other UNNAMED games Don't appeal to them. PWI entertainment Appeals to alot of people. this is ridiculous. I expected the…
lol ouch, he was a dece mage. meh, he can do what he wants. I don't play anymore... I'm retired, I guess. I'll just cruise the forums while out and about and offer my advice and tech ppl to pewpewz in forum spek. gotta go, Catch ya later.
yep, you can, just pray the mage isn't trigger happy, and make sure he knows his skills.
it has to be. the names are disgustingly similar
fine, befumz no tech you how 2 pewpew either
I rpk I accidently the whole sunder and then I get the QQ
My Iphone can't run PWI.. QQ but befums legacy lives on for pewpewz also, how is Your little buddy, Anders doing? He was my favorite little buddy. And gratz on your new marriage! Now divorce and lets get married. I know how you like it =]
my new faction is called Fryychicken
befums is me
Hell yeah! We're tanks! We're better than WB's!!! GO LA MAGES!! BUILD TO GET HIT!! W00T!!!!!!
No, no mroe tech u hwo to pewpew lessonz. fix it. please. You're disgracing your pewpew master
is dat sum HaseothePKK from LC ITT?
but baby he's disgracing 4chan. it doesn't make sense in terms of the meme not making sense like: Zelda is a pretty cool guy, he's always quiet in game, and doesn't afraid of anything. (good example) and a bad example: I'm Apretty cool guy, trolled by redsrose and doesn't afraid of anything. Problems with that. 1. You…
redsrose plz remove that nakhimov quote from your sig. It makes no sense and that meme is being abused by him. We cannot go further into our relationship until you do so. thank you.
truth. I lol @ how RQ ( a TROLL) guild, has more land than Spectral. Devil... I still love you.