My first toon was a Wizard and he is (and always will be) my main and favorite. I love playing with it. Seeker and Archers are fun to play too. I regret deleting my 80 archer. QQ b:cry But I agree, as soon as D3 comes out, bbye PW b:bye
Don't say that Wizzies are dead b:surrender But serious, I think wizards too. Its really hard nowadays to find any other wizard in squad doing BH69 or asking for BHs. Sad, but true. I have a barb (RT) and a sin (Sanctuary) alt, but I have more fun playing this little squishy toon than those other two. FCC's are much more…
No, EG's don't have a FB19. It's like Tideborns, you will have to go to a spot and kill a boss and you're done.
Seekers have something like "combos". When you are buffed with 1:1, hitting a mob and the mob gets marked by your "buff icon", you can use the 2:3 skill and the mob will get two debuffs. Freeze and increases damage received (extreme poison effect.) There are others "combos" like this one, but I don't have more info now,…
Yeap. Seekers will be using swords/blades already ingame. No new weapons for Seekers or Mystics. (unless the devs change it untill february 2011 for PWI, but I dont think so).
Supply Stash, lvl 15. Thats how I got my Kite anyways. EDIT: nvm... someone already answered while I was posting. :)
aww. Thanks tho. I was curious about that.
Sorry if someone already asked this before, but did you guys playing on the test server see if Archosaur and the other main cities are destroyed? Like, graphically revamped?
So, no Patch Notes for this update??
LMAO! That was really funny, Swarley. and, yeah... I think until Genesis Expansion, we'll be getting a lot of "minor localization changes", so, expect packs, a few new fashions and guild icons until 2011, probably. b:cry
I dont know why, but I think I may have a problem with that server status. I'm in Brazil (GMT -3) and the status shows the west coast time as my own time and east coast +3 hours. (Like, now its 3:37pm and the west coast shows 3:37 pm and East 6:37 pm). Thats not right, since west coast should be my time minus 4 hours (if…
Are you ready? Are you ready?? Let's get it on....
lol...the catshop one is really amazing. Great work b:victory
The end has come No more to say b:surrender
My Opinion. Genie Skills Second Wind (HP recover) Tree of Protection - ToP (Adds HP points for a short time and recover) Holy Path - (Speed) Extreme Poison (+ damage) Apoth Focus Powder - lvl 30 - MP Recover increases to 50 p/sec Life Powder - lvl 10 - HP Recover increases to 50 p/sec Flourish Orb - lvl 45 - HP and MP…
Are we gonna get any kind of reward from the achievements?
lol... I didn't know we have so many GMs. (I'm not joking). I already did one negative review about last updates, but I want too say two positive words now. 1. I read people saying that sending a ticket usually takes a week to get an answer from someone, I needed to sent a ticket and I got the answer the next day. (I…
Yeah, I saw the first page, "(...)in the next 24h". I'm waiting too, just wanted to know if someone already got. and "if nothing goes wrong" b:shocked
Did someone already receive the anniv. mount / fashion / blessing?
I really hope this PWI 2nd anniversary update give us something good and fix some of the bugs everyone always talk about. PWI used to be a great game and I still believe that it can be done again.
Well, I think I never posted anything here before, but I read this forum every day. Today I feel like I need to say something. Hammer sale? I've been glitching and bugging and lagging for the last months and keeps getting worse and worse and they give us Hammer sale. Looks like until the next big update, nothing is gonna…