Meeting new folks and making friends :) Second would be killing things with my awesome daggers.
Figures -_-
First 30 seconds and i thought " Oh! That's evil!"
I ran around in game last night checking a few things out. Some i think are very nice. The new Endless universe looks like it would be a lot of fun and a good challenge trying to figure it all out. Being able to gain prestige faster, thumbs up for that. Aurora agent wasn't as game breaking as we thought it would be since…
I watched the video of the boss kill, and it really doesn't look like it. Unless you wanna go all the way through and see if ya get something decent.
I won't lie. I spent most of my time in game just sparking and auto attacking when leveling. It got SO boring. So i would start doing different things here and there to shake things up. I was working towards going non APS in the end, but left game to wait for a new content update that may help even out the playing field a…
Hey now i have been controlling my aggro for quite some time :p I ain't no moron! I was often in a duo with a barb, and i enjoyed him having all the aggro. Especially when we went on into WS. No way i could tank that -_-
They never made me do this o.0 Or any kind of confirmation of my identity besides some security questions and an alternate e-mail address.
Not against 2x drops. I like 'em. It gets people doing things instead of being idle.
Look up.
Mirage Celestone Pack (40% off) ---- Open your wallet :p
It's probably per box since it is now a bh reward for i believe seventy plus people.
So are the 5 percent exp boost items from shroud. That is SO annoying. Guess it doesn't really matter to me since i am not playing anymore, i only hopped on to run around and look at stuff before sleep lol
Yup. The fee is what reduced its popularity. Guarantee people woulda ran it a lot more otherwise. I know i would have.
Bye bye to glitch *waves*
I have a great idea. Make tokens drop from ALL MOBS and leave in aurora agent permanently.. b:laugh 2x this week wouldnt have nearly as many people farming it. They would just farm for tokens and skyrocket gold prices :) Which is probably gonna happen now anyway since aurora agent is gonna be in for a week. I honestly like…
There isn't a big drop in r9 price, so no big deal. A few people will buy into this sale of course. Gold may go up just a little bit if people were smart enough to save up coin for when this little part of the expansion came out. I just don't see anything drastic happening.
*Hops on game* Lol
I don't think anyone truly knows yet. Unless someone dissected the new patch. We just know that both TT and Lunar 3rd cast are the same. I'd like to know how they look though :) I actually prefer the lunar look over the NV ones i have. NV was just cheaper so tis what i have.
That's why there are privacy settings. You can choose whether you want everyone to see, or just a certain group of people. I don't really care who sees. I have my family on facebook and still post embarrassing things on there. Recently though it's just me spamming my wall with funny pictures and rude status updates.
I have put way worse stuff on the internet than my choice in games. So i don't see a problem using my normal facebook account.
I wrote in all caps and the forums disliked that. So it messed it all up
That's My Favorite Game!!! :d
Look at the sense i make.
That's what i got from it too. It's not so bad if you can get a book and trade it for one you need, but i would rather gather materials from each run and make books. Would feel more like i earned it. I dunno if i'm gonna even bother playing anymore though. Love the game, but so sick of all the new powerful gear that i am…
If they can't take the time to read, it's kind of their own fault.
*Throws hands up in the air* I give up... *Walks away*
5th! rawr
Eh another tier or nirvana is more coin to spend or endless hours of farming. I am just not up for all that anymore. I think i'll be moving along. But the update looks interesting. EU being more challenging as well as lunar and warsong sounds nice. More stuff to do end game was really needed. Hopefully it'll be tanks that…