I'm waiting for them to change my tittle for literally more than a half year! b:chuckle
The Santa spam is still here
wait, are u saying u'll be able to use that exp to level yourself at level 1? Or that this % will be saved and when u reach 100 and want to level up your historic character its gonna start at this %?
Any idea of when the tittle will be give? its been 3 months
You didn't need to make two diff threads on the same subject b:chuckle Also, though this may be needed, there is some difficulties merging the older servers cuz each server has its own database, so nicknames may have been used on two diff servers, it may be possible to solve it somehow like let the players change their…
I don't see why everyone think's "you're in PVE server go blue", i mean its actually the normal option, but since he's being chased everywhere he goes, it would mean he'd never be able to pk ever, cause if he turned white name another time he would have this guy following him around again? So my opinion is if someone is…
i could list a lot of thing that are "OP" on other classes, but that how it is. Everyone has their pros and cons.
I want my Tittle to be changed to Vampire, please the reason is cuz the only set of fashion i had was a vampire, and ppl always talked about it lol. Now i dont use the set anymore, but my sin still looks like a vampire :P
SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
Blood :o
You can find the best RT sin after a bridge in Abbadonf:hehe
SweetieBot, open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs please SweetieBot, open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs please
SweetieBot, open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs please
Why not do that on the thread she's posting everytime?f:worry
Can everyone just stop asking things to SweetieBot? f:sweat
It may not be a "kill them quick" combo, but i love to sage subsea and then earthen rift a group of ppl b:avoid
^ Is secretly from another planet.
6789 :p
^ Shakes pear at night.
When will you be taking new requests?
SweetieBot, please open 2000 Cosmic Packs.
^ Survived the titanic sinking
Hey, you're not thinking SweetieBot is actually a person, are you?
SweetieBot please forge item 26055 for me!
SweetieBot, please open 2000 Cosmic Packs.
SweetieBot, please open 500 Cosmic Packs
Yeah and though Death Chain transfer a % of the dmg you take to another person, it is still considered a phys attack.