Qinnlenlea - Archosaur Arc User


  • Check out the 'Armored Bear'.... I understand the stats on these are nice and you can pet them. And its a lot lower in cost then buying a herc.....
  • I think Janus hit on the gist of what the attitude must be. If people are going to be @$$hats an ban you from a guild for asking if they supply the rez scrolls(raises hand) then it's time to take a look at being the aggressive an be just as much an @$$hat healer. Rough for those that like to sit at the trough an lap up on…
  • Ummmm.........is this like a verson from twilight zone? I have dealt with these squishy minded people SOOOO many times. Even a posted rant of when I asked for a rez scroll beforehand to save these numb minded people only to be met with drama and disdain and even a ban from a guild. 'Flip' to those that don't like it. From…
  • You've gotta be kidding.... Is the self rightous uberism so bad that we forget that that at one point not long ago a noob was started on the side of the screen your looking at? C'mon people cut others some slack. Just because it is the same question answered over an over an over an over doesn't mean that it's your absolute…