Everyone has their own unique playing styles. If thoses fists work for him/her then that's all that matters.
Around 15-30 mins depending on my luck in nirvana.
Its beacuse they are cashoppers, and when they see a shiney new weapon to waste their money on they just HAVE to buy it, who cares about stats when you can brag about being rank 8?
I only recently discovered poles to be DABESTWEAPON ever and I always thought they were **** :(. That was until I was pking today and 3 spark zerk critted a lvl 90 Cleric for 17k
The chance is around 5% not 10% , and the effect lasts 5 secs. Quite nice really.
Too much 3rd person makes Pwn's head hurt >.<. On topic, the regeneration proc is nice for PVE, however if your into PVP stick with the Calamities. They have a great HP bonus, and if they proc on an armageddon, most things that arnt HA will die in one hit.
Please give more info on your build so far, as there is no point leveling skills for weapons you can't use.
Actually, high aoe damage isn't really a factor in FCC, apart from on the dragons, as all the mobs die so quickly anyway. It's high DPS on the bosses that makes or breaks a fast run.
Is it really THAT hard to look at the stickies? Or failing that using the search function? There are so many threads on this topic it's not even funny anymore.
thanks for making sense of my manical ramblings
You're neglecting the fact that 5.0 BMs can perma spark.