^banned for geting eated
Well no replies yet XD So Ima go and play in the troll threads! b:laugh
^banned for laughing like a Smurf b:chuckle
^Banned for being a ?
^brushes teath with a toilet brush (and fail for calling a veno a veno in a lie thread XD)
^misses 4 times >_>
^loves cankles and manboobs b:chuckle
^Listens to Hannah Montana in the shower (and I am a girl to the person calling me a he! LOL)
^is EatWithSpoons' secret lover! b:avoid
^is really Yogi the bear looking for his pic-a-nic basket! b:laugh
^banned for stealing cupcakes
^picks their nose >_>
^banned for not sharing teh muffinz!!
LOL ^ Banned for not replying fast enough XD
^ Banned for not sharing teh muffins b:sad
^ started the pit to roast all the repopulated tideborns b:shocked
^ Banned for being a Banny McBannerton!b:chuckle