I'm going out on a limb and saying that they are adding the new gears.
I used Boku to buy zen last night, 14 going on 15 hours and no zen yet
ive been waiting for like 5 hours now, someone please go and click accept or some **** so i can get my gold
Infernia you are correct, this isn't a donation but a purchase, therefor must be theft
im looking into some kind of legal actions that i can be taking, this is theft.
hyperwallet is kinf of like PayPal, but i can do it from my online banking i refuse to use the joke that is the ticketing system, admins keep closing my tickets since i keep giving the same info, the info they keep asking me for.
the issue im having is...i put money into my bank, then hyperwallet, then purchased ZEN with Hyperwallet,yet i have no zen/gold/my money...this is day 13 of this BS. My bank statements + all of the info they required to help with this issue still isn't enough?