PurpleNurpul - Raging Tide Arc User



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  • Server Wipe=PWE's suicide. Just knock all the 105s back to 103 as someone suggested. Hell, if you're uber enough to make 105 legitimately, imagine how much more uber you will be the second time through. b:victory
  • Actually, it should be the other way around. I find it strange that it isn't. Higher supply Same demand Should equal lower prices. If some **** merchant jacks his price during 2x drops, it's because he doesn't understand basic economics. His sales will plummet. Don't pay the jacked price. Farm your own mats! I have money,…
  • Yeah, no kidding!I've been waiting TWO FRICKIN WEEKS for my legitimate ticket about moving my real-money bought gold from one server to another. 3-4 days my ****. b:angry enough whining! play the game how YOU want to play it, and let others play the way THEY want to play it. If you weren't worried about PVP players you…
  • Trying to play the one saying "quit yer bitchin" as a hypocrite, huh? Yeah, go show off your pwnage skills by ambushing a couple of lowbie clerics. b:chuckle
  • I see one non-QQer, followed by 2 QQers... Esp. the one who said "If you don't care about level, don't post" Please, If you want to bicth and moan, by all means. Just don't expect people to respect you when you do it constantly. b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Sorry bout that... I saw this thread on the TOP of the list, and figured it was newest. I didn't inspect the start date and every successive post's date. I only looked at the most recent post. Unintentional necro! That's just the thing... He's not offering me the ability to do ChiuNiu again. There is no shield above his…
  • I had a similar problem with a dual-core 2.8GHz AMD box i built last year. Problem: integrated graphics chip. I bought a cheapo Sparkle brand nvidia card with 1GB VRAM for under 30 bucks (same card can be had now for 10 bucks on sale) and went from 5-8fps to 19-22fps in crowded downtown Arch. That's with distances set to…
  • OK I have an easy one I want a Mold:Robe of Blood Might. http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/14073 I know who to get it from. I know how to get it. I DON'T know how it is possible to get sufficient dragon orders at the appropriate level for that piece of equipment. According to the wiki, you can restart a DQ as soon as…
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