i just think GM's need to make under cover chars and join every faction to see whats going on in it
there are lots of under age girls on here thats y i want this nude mod fixed so it wont work anymore
yeah i know and if there are GM's reading this heres the factions site all the proof u want for the nude patch being used by them but i even have see clothes glitching on ppl behind waterfalls and the blue walls in TT2-2 and otu on map
the leader to the faction dont want to kick him cause she likes him -.- i tried confronting her bout that and she denied it :\ and i been trying to get ahold of a GM but none are ever online
no i dont have it installed and will never install it the reason i brought it up is cause a guy named BarbStoner has it and is being a horny F-er and asking girls in his faction who are way under age to give him a bj or he asks if he could eat them out
i would love to have that happen then but if its done already then i dont see the box to check it but i really want the nude mod off i know ppl with them but theres no GM's around to tell them about it
oh and that big lag in arch from all those cat/lighter/cow/mermaid shops they are making ppl lag which sometimes gets ppl dc
get rid of nude mods :\ and yes theres still ppl out there with newer nude mods running around dont believe me then ask me for a link to a faction site that has the mod