It's probably safe to say that any new computer with a mid-range to high end video cards requires a 650 watt power supply to be safe (minimum 550 watts). Make sure the power supply is a multiple rail one. My preferences on power supplies is 1: PowerPC (expensive business class PS's) 2: Intermax and 3: Antec (the earthwatts…
Just bumping this thread to let the administrators know that this is still an issue.
Probably the only thing that can be suggested is to submit a ticket and include your username and password in the message, and hopefully they will get the issue fixed.
Still got the message. I went to the game site and changed my p-word to see if that would help but to no avail. What is strange is that I haven't done anything on my computer as far as installing any new programs or made any changes to it to make me think there is a software conflict and I was on the game just 2 days ago…
I'll do just that. Hope that will take care of the issue. Thanks for the quick reply! :D