Pot_Head/ - Lost City4 Arc User


  • Maybe you should go hang out with dirty old men then >.> xD jk No one is "mature" anymore everyone is laid back nowadays, Enjoys life and doesn't have time to be "mature" because it isn't a requirement like it was back in the day. ppl would rather enjoy life in a non stressful kinda way xD that's what I do^^ I'm stress…
  • I saw a few factions with some little icon thingie next to the name lol is that what your talkin about then yes I think every guild should have this^^ it would be sooooooooooo kool xDb:laugh I wish they made something that I could buy to mute ppl from sayin negative things like this or atleast make a forum blacklist xD
  • >.> u did thats not nice u shouldn't hate ppl becaz some ppl that u hate could turn out to be someone really cool^^ or your friend or best friend.