simple solution since you seem to have a lot of time on your hands..get some one in the party and check for don't cost anything sweetheart.
On quest just click yes on everything..but other than that don't even do the stupid title quest because you will randomly have a title pop up some time in the game..its a waste of time.
I actually had a big troll post for this thread but ill just say this. Yeah I would like to see the shop closed for a week or even 2 so this game can be laid to rest.
false advertisement..hey you can become rich now have a nice day.
well they should take all the old **** fashion out of the main shop and add it to the event closed
To Joe~ Usually the people who farmed +11+12 toons with r9s3 usually used some corrupt way to aquire the coin..lets say botting with multiple toons or running multiple toons at a time doing dailies..basicly a full squad.I see it every day on my server and most who do it are the r9+++. So yeah I take screens all the time…
farm mid mats..use them to make subs...sell for 30k+ each.Do this evey day.Subs will be in demand soon. that's one way.But yeah there is tons of other ways to make coin.
The Bruce Jenner npc?
I started to do it on a alt so I grabbed a lamb..easy..had to get another..easy..had to ne changed into a bear ...nothing so I got look for some lemur or something and I guess it was gone...took to much time from my exp earning,by running,so like the other events ow usually runs I decided to ditch it.
Basically every drop is worthless.They take and take due to their mistakes.The botting on my server wasn't noticeable until a few weeks before they added the ingame bot feature so they I guess they figured pw didn't care so they were masked by the feature on their third party programs.So after many years of grinding for…
Pw hungry again for money must be dropping in sales and had to conjure up something. Reinactment at the office: Boss: Chin! where are you! chin:Yesh boss. Boss:Chin I need a new idea on to increase funds from this old game..people seem to be dropping out of it like flies. Chin:We can eliminate another form of profit and…
u are the sheep!
They are taking the talisman out due to all the new **** fest of bh farm alts..though its was pw fault in the first place that cause the creation of the insta-lvl 101 they think they fix a mistake by taking out income kinda like botting right?They take out box from TT because of the income right?Maybe the bh…
I use a old exe and use the pw exe that uses are to update the game with then I turn off arc after update and use another exe. its some where in the forums I got the info from and how to set it up.I just use arc for update,blessings and any codes they may send out to the community.Arc isn't have a new system o…
I still have those x3 +10 orbs on an alt from that epic fail day of why would I want more.
A lot of things have been added its basicly a whole new game in many aspects but also the same as well.PvP me has always been a dead part in this game unless your in PvP server.In PvE servers you have your cash shop junkie drama in wc everynight and usually its the same people **** talking eachother and fight in…
1.HA veno for pve or hell..even PvP is ****,maybe for fun but usually **** dmg. 2.Servers..well im in HT and I never have a problem and I been in it going on over 6 years.We had our qwerks but not like the other servers have. 3.Yeah you can do jolly jones on 200000 alts a day for free coin.Other than that just get to 100…
I stopped with the quest because I just hate pre anniversary stuff.
I haven't been in OHT for months..prob a year lol!I usually if I have to go in just get another one then chunk it again to the npc hounds.
So your telling us..well basicly advertising to have fun we need to be +12 r9s3 with all the bells and wistles and to kill afk'ers,spawn kill in nw and to spend mega amounts in a dull game such as this? gotcha.
Be a psy(sage).. that is all..
mounts under water..why..WHY..WHYYYYYY!! I just want my mount to not go away once it hits water shoulder high.
**Predicts a mail reward that will provide all PW players with all the crystals** **Predicts soon after a arc code reward with all the crystals for idiots that log in on wrong toon and go boo hoo hoooooo.**
Will people ever make a mmo video that does not look poorly?
Map reset owns you all.
Its a game I see nothing more they can add to it.People spend and spend and spend and spend on this game for what?A game you cant go pro in to gain sponsorship and fame to get your money back..its a bad investment and proves ignorant teens-late 20 year olds have no intrest of leaving the back bed room in moms house lol.
~Wishes Al Gore would uninvent the internet~
Just cash your archer out..sell out man like all the rest in this game.I know dmg is halfed when they get close but hey if your cashed out then it wont matter because instead of hitting 50k+ on some one then you will just hit 25k+ on some one if they get close.b:victory Kinda lame though to spend so much on a toon to…
4-5mill its just hair old hair and nothing special unless you just like looking like a mop head.
Yeah android apps..phones...the screens are so slow and sluggish in response time.Who cares about battery time because that's what a charger is for and stop being on the phone so much.And 95% of the people who have a phone with a changeable battery don't have a extra battery.