er.. i saw a warning 15minutes before. and 45 minutes before.. Soo. b:shutup
Pfff, you never sleep.
b:sleep zzzz. delay again.
lol.. i got moved here. better than getting closed at least xD
Just cause all this mention of the mounts, QQing, gold resell and the 'other game' that 'shall not be named' are just getting locked and closed. SO. what is everyone doing during maintance?
there's patch notes for every patch
are you actually counting down? lol
they're back. see you fellow HT'ers in-world b:kiss
i'm running low on riot-stopping images. people are so restless. ;p
but you already got a sexy, high level barb. -barb lover-
i've had that happen. on nightscream. freaks me out
hope not me. :C i'm just trying to amuse and keep the riot from breaking out D:
i think it might be safe to just call it a night xD
ssssh. tha's her secret plot :p **** divorce.
2 GM's were here. but they didn't give an update. so they are awake.
xD tha's good. i've also seen Yourself. with the guild Enlighten over his head. lol
it can't be denied. he's a flasher now too. lol
I found one of my character x]
you poor soul :c
lol. birth defect?
signature is edited with your User CP and when you reply on the forums. there's a button to push, to add images.
for our birthday girl :c
well. you're here. so how much longer? also, i dun think anyone else has seen you yet.
these are amusing
i cracked up.
lol nice and brisk then xD
that would maint was over at 2 am PST. it's 2:21 PST so.. they're almost half way into another hour
lol. affective,yes.