if you skipped to many mobs thats your problem. in act 3 you are REQUIRED to kill x mobs per boss or they get a super aoe that kills everyone. secondly id sugest putting shreik on your herc while it sucks in fbs ect for agro it makes hh bosses alot easier to heal. most of a hh bosses dmg comes from the cast
i agree 2x is a temp spike however coral cough ani packs are not which has more to do with the 10 mill banker note as a prize along with various other things which make it a permy spike that and it seems thier permy b:laugh
your missing the point entirely i think multiply those numbers by 80 in a territory war so that 2 pec crit diff is really 160 percent in nonstop dps thats huge this topic isn't about omg hes got 2 perc more crit than me hes l33t QQ its about 2 of those= 4 percent= 240 perc think before you speak and run the math
honestly in the end this event even hurts csers it adds massive inflation to coin values ... thus even though thier making double on gold sales EVERY item in game is doubling or tripling in price. honestly i played this game because it HAD a good balence between cs----items you had to earn and it kept prices reasonable to…
i have a barb bud in your same boat but, he tanks w/o a charm cause he nails his interupts. drummer wurlord ect really aren't that bad with a good barb even if their gear is complete garbage. the number 1 barb kill /charm ticker is the boss casts or a cleric that has no brains in which case id say boot it. then get somone…
honestly by the end of the month since 2 tokens of great luck = 10 mill in game coin your not going to see prices deflate in fact anyone that earns thier money of dq item drops from mobs is'nt going to be able to play in the new market where as ppl that can earn money outa hh ect will remain on top instead of 40k a miji by…
aww thx for the clarification
so for quick clarification a squad option will apear on the stone for squad mode or is it the open the gates option
I highly doubt it most people are social that means the majority will pick a higher density server before a lower density
On that note id tend to agree just cause shortbuss and Ragequit pk noobs doesn't put them in the wrong a pvp server is afree for all your frree game at any time. wether you choose to be a random pker or hunt pkers thats your choice. theres no point in QQing about it. if you feel being pked is so horrible go play on a pve…