Why doesn't it surprise me that someone that uncreative spells like he failed third grade? You misspelled "call"? Seriously? WTF?! Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby or something? Smoke crack while she was pregnant? Do the world a favor and get a vasectomy before you reproduce. It scares the hell out…
Call him Legomyegolas. b:chuckle PS: In all seriousness, the world really doesn't need any more Legolas, Drizzt, Raistlin or other book/movie/anime character clones running around. Seriously, there are already at least 500 Legolases (Legoli?) in every game in the world as it is. Please consider not adding to the problem.…
I weight a bit over 200 lbs. My last girlfriend weighed about 110-115. I'm almost double her size. Apart from that, much more of a guy's muscles are concentrated in the upper body. An average guy can easily lift an average chick, but she would have major trouble trying to lift him. It's not sexist, just realistic.
Sounds like someone should have paid attention to the tutorial tips and newbie quests.
Top left you mean.
Use search, it's there for a reason. There are a lot of threads about this already. It's a known bug and they're trying to fix it.