I understand now, so i go to make a "near pure build", don't like the idea to go 3 or 5 vit, but something like 20 to 60 vit is ok i think and i don't lose too much... Thanks again to all for opinions, tips, help and etc, etc b:pleased __________________________________________________ The last Q, and if i lvlup something…
Yeah true, i was sleeping then or something :_)
mmmmmm ok, now i understand and that was i'm looking for tyvm :) i don't like the full pure mag build because i see very poor on hp... but something like 20-60 (for that reg like dex on crit) vit is ok then i think?
Well i did because the numbers are there and don't lie, my "first" option is too, but i don't have exp with a cleric lvl 60+ and/or 88+ with any class nothing more.
I think that's the best tip i did get thx :) Yep they are more items, that's the only thing i'm looking for.... but +2 or +3 armor and +5 weapon max. And for dmg well can be true, but dmg is (basic magic dmg + X% + fixed amount) and healing is (fixed amount + a X%).... look if we have 5k, 10k and 20k dmg for some numbers…
When i mean "overheal" is when you cast the heal and don't heal nothing because your target is full, so you wasted mana or/and healing anyways. The problem for +1 etc is that i work and play like 1-2 hours/day and not only this game hehe. I don't think that go +5 or +10 is a must for just play and see the game... i'm not…