Developers needing money and the fact that some people might spend money on DUMBER things changes what in your simple little minds? I'm honestly curious how you think that makes this not be one of the dumbest things you've ever heard of. It sure seems to me that charging for an inventory stone is taking advantage of those…
And how does that change the fact that it's **** as HELL? And Envy...those with jobs know better than to spend money on a virtual item that allows them to carry more virtual items. Those with brains in their heads too, I would have assumed, but apparently not. You gonna play that new MMO coming out Envy? You have to buy…
That's probably that dumbest thing I've ever heard. This game is a joke lol
Yeah, sadly I've seen a few people who have done it already. I'd love to think that everyone would find that stupid/insane, and not pay for it which would reduce it to a reasonable price, but...sadly people seem to be stupid and love to throw their money away. And yeah...get real with that commitment junk, that's crazy…
Awesome man, hope you enjoy it like I am :)
I literally cannot believe anyone on the planet would be like "Yeah, $60....that's reasonable". Whatever :(
Speak for yourself ^__^ ....ya think?? =P
Wait you literally can't do it without spending SIXTY DOLLARS? Ugh...that's pathetic. This game will be a massive, massive failure with these prices.
Yeah, frankly I feel sorry for anyone who spends that much money on a cosmetic upgrade in an MMO. An MMO that's still in beta, at that.
Everything on a forum is a discussion =p I really don't understand what's wrong with jumping and clicking? Hell, you can even click and then tab out and when you click back in-game, you're where you clicked. I do it all the time, it's fantastic. In fact, I did it in order to write that post...I was at Etherblade and now…
I've seen people talk about "cheap" classes quite a bit. What do they mean by this? Literally requires less money? Or "cheap" in the fighting game sense? IE spammable moves, or "cheap tactics".
I know you can get married, yes. But yeah I'd like to know as well. Also what the benefits are.
Yeah, I rolled an archer to try the flight, and I missed almost literally every shot I took. And this is at level 1, so it's not like I messed up the build... Then again, I couldn't even figure out how to make the "charge" skill....charge. Holding the key didn't work.
It's just starting out. It shouldn't be changed yet. What if the population dies out and there's way too much **** floating around? The entire point is that you have to look for it, if it's flowing out your ears that's not good either.
If you weren't jealous you wouldn't have commented.
Do you people read anything before posting your junk? I mean honestly. Two frigging threads down. WTS a clue.
How many people do you think there are with the name PEACEandLOVE? [face_thumbsup]
Yep the 1000s of people I've seen all day long are just hallucinations. In fact, I wasn't even playing, I was smoking crack!
>.< Boot em, I'm the shi-. :p
Uh, if you got it working that proves it was a fault on your end. That and, you know, the thousands of people playing the game. Also, the Kin is VERY annoying.
tabtarget could prove very "useful" in PVP...but they type of "useful" that shouldn't be offered, I agree.
Way to read ONE THREAD DOWN down before posting this. Classy.
The more servers the more fail. Keep it as is.
It's a free game...just make another account?
You wouldn't have to use it so it would never make it harder, and to say you'd NEVER use it is basically a flat out lie. Although youre a PVE scrub, so you may be telling the truth :)
Not sure I wanna see a bunch of **** textures on peoples heads anyway >.<
PM spamming? Hardcore =o
Has nothing to do with being lazy. It's a waste of time that has no reason for existing...
Ah I see, that makes sense, cheers. Glad it doesn't blow up, too :D
If there was a GM wouldn't he be reading it also and therefor already know? What server are you on? I've been playing 2 days and haven't seen one yet woot