Wait so discousing exploits isn't banable on forum anymore?? teach us more then how to get full nuema sets or pick herbs and bot shiet like that
and imagine power bill i mean if they "bot" 24/7 how could that pay to them plus using pc for such stupdi thing i mean stupid bh give 5 mil cards and 2 mil pretty often and it take like from 20 to 40 min per bh i am more worried for more and more alts on servers and peopel transforming to 1 man army thats killing game more…
hwo the hell u think they can make 20-40 mil per day botting herbs??? on what server are u who would buy so much pots are nutz pvp theres rare people pvping charm so expensive also there is ton of ironguards around people exploited it somehow i even seen igs for like 10-15 k selling now who would buy herbs from bot if its…
SweetieBot kill Eido, Celestial Incarnate 1000 times
SweetieBot , thank you.
SweetieBot, kill Ultrafin Supreme 10000 times please.
SweetieBot , please kill Ultrafin Supreme for me 3000 times please.
SweetieBot , please kill Ultrafin Supreme for me 10000 time please.
SweetieBot , please kill Ultrafin Supreme for me 2500 time.