Good gracious the forums has changed. u'd think PWI would fix their problems by now i kinda miss Sanc D: love Kaku still <3 destroy those TWs for me Kaku! Why can't we just have a good conversation here man...Trash talk here and there.. all I want is to have fun... and not rage quit like everyone else sooo who wants 2 play…
Gave me an odd excitement
You know what make me sad? Those puppies that are sold and eaten in China. b:cry It just be cruel that they just cook them rawr, they always forget salt and pepper. Who forgets salt and pepper? Reminds me Blues Clues on Nickelodeon. Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper had some shnu-shnu and had Paprika! She's so cute. Reading mail…
Can we have a 10man team now plzzzz I'd like to see 10 clerics sleeep everyone! Then they'll have a nice tea party. THEN TEMPEST BOOM! Lightning makes people sleepy and lie down. BUT Nyanyan Cat be back. His rainbows make me hungreh for poptarts.
Do you like Fish sticks? I like fish sticks.
Well, I think everyone has the R8 bow therefore it be used a lot and everyone has it on their fasion. MORAI is cool because it has nice butterfly area where the monsters have nice animation effects where they disappear or turn into a ghost. Booooo! But I would get Morai because Morai is good Im a Corona person because…
BWAahahahahahaahaa Maintenance gone because Sunday was the day they took the dog for a walk! Today they be playing Dance Central instead on the Kinect. Frankie is shaking is butt to Katy Perry. She was married to Russell Brand.
Go homosexuals! You can beat the Angel people all you have to do is come onto them. Also Kakumau be nubs everyone attack them please. Hai! should I bring pizza to the party? Everyone be talking about food like shrimps and stuff where'd the QQ on Spoons went? I heard hes a good Community Manager. Sins are good…
Request for next song please
Question:Why is this still stickied?
My Birthday Bump for Justice!
Bump for response
I bet Harpy was staring at your bewbs during the whole date. Grats!
Has any of these been implemented at all?
I actually am a collector. I have a lot of things I don't use and its taking up too much space. The bad thing is I don't NEED it but I can use it. Its just that I don't b:surrender
Good point, going Corona when I finally level.
When they pop up. Bring out your fists/claws and aps them to hell. b:chuckle
Mystic would be good for you, you like to heal and you can do nice dmg.
I just see this as a coin sink. So people will keep bidding and coins go down the drain, but I'm poor and a noob, people make all that money in like a day. I'd like the intervals to increase though. I'm in a Faction that TWs but isn't as good as the top tier ones, but it would be nice to see people fighting, not just the…
Im 100% positive all this TWing is for the Foxes b:chuckle
Suggestion Box is only a place where you can make a thread and +1 your posts all day long and not get caught, unless you place the link in your siggy.
Love the archer dramas. Especially Qui's stories, its like awesome wrapped with even more awesome.
Just lol.b:victory
Soo How about them 49ers?
Pony Trolls?b:pleased
+1 nice one xD