Sweetiebot, open 500 Joy Scrolls
Let's say I'm playing my main, PandaBerr. I will log in today, 18 December 2014 at 9:30pm PST because that is when I get home. At 11pm PST of the same date, the server will shut down for maintenance. At 3am PST on 19 December 2014 the server will come back online. I will log in on PandaBerr and complete my dailies.…
Honestly, how hard is it to read patch notes? Or use the search function on the forum. The DQ question has been asked and answered numerous times.
I wanna be core >.<
One thing I hate about all classes, is that a majority of them don't understand how to effectively play their class anymore. Because they've paid for frosts to get to wherever they are. But I'm going to bash my own class now. Barbarians-QQ more about your repair costs, or you charm ticking. You are a meat bag. Accept it.…
When was the last time we saw a GM make an appearance on the old servers o.O?
Back when I was 7x. There was a 7x VIT Cleric somehow owning on the 5x nubs at Tusk Town, talking all kinds of trash about how Barbs couldn't kill him because he had too much VIT. I ran up and 3 shot him, and started running away to the "Ooooh's" and "Ahhhh's" of the 5x's. And then I ran back and arma'd them.
I probably misunderstood the OP's intentions. But in an instance, if I drop them all to minimal graphics, 6 clients open wouldn't phase me. I used to do it on a different game on a crappy laptop all the time.
I'll change it so its about Cancel Channeling. BM's are just finding something else to QQ about since CC'ing got nerfed and they got ignored about it. BTW you can't even use the "its a legitimate strategy!" excuse for it. Attain something for nothing, pfft Law of Equivalent Exchange, duh.
I think -int for barbs and no -int for BM's and Sins was a fail attempt at fixing Barbs not being able to hold aggro against 5 APS'ers in instances.
I don't do this, because I think that leveling in Frost before 7x is stupid. But, lets say you have 4 alts, an OP sin, a seeker, and a cleric. Clear frost up to big room with your sin. Invite the 4 alts, have them run to big room. Start the boss and to be safe, around 200k hp, start hypers on alts. Kill the boss, alts get…
They could always tax the boutique to remove coin from the system. 5% of the current lowest price gold is selling for in AH for each gold used in the boutique. 1.4m for gold, 70k tax. Use 100 gold in boutique, pay 7m in coin. If you can't afford that, sell some gold in AH. Tax would go down with gold prices, eventually…
It might have something to do with "new content" that was implied in the post about no maintenance this week?
Technically. This is a resale of packs. Because for a while it was just Easy Rider Packs on sale at 60% off. Tiger Packs were 1 gold in the cash shop until yesterday.
I actually suggested a way to help with the economy, but it was ignored :(
It should be. But the sales hugely inflate the economy. So every time you're able to make more and more profit. And since the economy is inflated, prices of items become inflated. And If you want to be able to afford end game gear, without putting real money into the game, you need to merchant. A few weeks ago someone on…
I'm not saying get rid of cash shoppers. That would completely kill any sort of profit for them, and would ruin them just because they couldn't pay the bills. The cash shop is a great idea. And cash shoppers SHOULD get an edge over non cash shopping players. But not SO MUCH that some who cash shops all the time, should…
I actually just discovered your merchanting guide, last night. And spent a few hours reading and thinking over it. It was the only reason I put that tidbit about merchanting into the OP.
We all know it won't. Which kind of makes us some really dumb sheep to continue playing.
Probably true. I mean the playerbase QQ'd about nixes flesh ream forever. It was ignored. Sins came out. Playerbase QQ's about Sins being OP. I think nix flesh ream is still bugged? I'm just waiting on the next coverup.
Its really not that much of an achievement anyways. I could run PWI off my Android phone if I wanted to. Now if you could play PWI on your iTouch, or I could play PWI on my Android phone. THAT would be a big deal.
I've noticed that a lot of the QQ about sins, is similar to the QQ about veno's with nixes/hercs. QQ nixes hit too hard too fast, QQ veno's can solo instances with a herc and other classes can't. I guess sins are how they covered up veno's.
I think that's a great idea. But it wouldn't last long. Either the server will still find something to complain about. Or GM's will do a TW map reset again.
I've probably helped maybe 2 random people. And it was because they asked in a polite way. One I watched die probably 15 times trying to do the same boss over and over again.
I would hope not another pack sale. Since this one already got extended, and its supposed to be off by tomorrow. Recent sales...mats, crafting book packs, charms, r9, dorbs, packs of course, fashion of course, inv/safe/pet bag extensions, fly mount sale, that stupid divine order seal thing, that spawn your squad on you…
I've never understood people who randomly friend request, or randomly squad me. Every now and then I PM them and ask what they want, most of the time its "borrow me u legs" or coin, or fly mount, or something else. And some people repeatedly friend request/squad me, and after ignoring them about 5 times or more, they say,…
I couldn't say frosted animal crackers and it made me upset. Those are a really good snack.
This thread has gotten way off track. Its about a potential solution to APS. Not about when this or that gear came out.
So the increase in ease of attaining -int gear did not make it more popular? Something can't be popular if its not available. Packs made it cheaper and easier to get -int gear. So it definitely made -int gear more popular.
I said originally intended. And, no I don't think they're stupid. But you can't deny that its entirely possible that without being stupid, it could have been something they overlooked when originally creating this game. Its kind of hard to gauge the ingenuity of the human mind, and on the other end of the scale, its…