ok i just want to know wat is bannable i mean ppl get banned for nothing some times lol why would a GM (gone missing) care about banning some one wen they have so called patches and cash shop items to make well unless you do some thing realy bad SO WAT IS BANNABLE
well yea its true but i think we all have our ways of beating each other i still think barbs are the ultimate form at 100 with all there skills as a demon i mean its insane with our damage and hp i mean you tell me how you will kill a barb with +10 armour +12wepon and 25-30k hp 1vs1 your so screwed
ok ive had my fare chance agenst my lvl assasins were they spark and teleport as if there in you while you stunned i mean wow thats some cool suff but 15khp is not easy to just take out i mean if i was a cleric i would be screwed assasins fial badly agenst barbs every class has its enemy assasins have very low hp if you…
Well its true its a pvp server alot of high lvl guys will say your a noob for killing low lvls but they do the same i mean like lets c about 8 months wen Rage Quit and harvester camped secret pasage no one could get threw and i mean realy lvl 30-80 is a breaze you lvl up so fast thanks to the 3bhs a day thing you guys have…