PanDhamon - Lost City Arc User


  • STOP LAY DOWN THE UNTAMED AND WALK AWAY. DO NOT LEVEL YOUR BARB/VENO ANY FURTHER! Get them up to lvl 19/20 and stop. Seriously. Whenever they fix this bug, if your one skill veno or two skill barb is in their upper twenties, or thirties, or (god forbid) higher, then you will have a ridiculously hard time with your lvl 19…
  • You know, I wonder if it does actually have anything to do with hardware. I always have all of my graphical settings on their lowest possible setting, and I can usually be around the lobsters no problem. But I HAVE seen the weird demon lines on only a couple of lobsters. So what could it be? I mean, it seems to be a VERY…
  • I like how this person thinks they have the authority to pretend that there is anyone in the right or wrong on this issue. GM's, I would like to issue an extreme thanks on behalf of all players, both new and old, that have made complaints about the untamed lvl 9 culti bug. You guys have taken our **** quite well, and your…
  • Okay, so it's a when issue, not an if. Everyone seems to be asking if a workaround is possible. What about the scarlet fruits? Do they actually take your cultivation level up by one? If so would players who need to complete their lvl 9 and 19 cultivation quests be able to use these (possibly administered by the gm's) to…
  • Another bug I noticed, I don't know if it's just venomancers or not, but they no longer have panties >.> When you look up the skirt, there's just a clear area with nothing there where the panties should be. Not really a big deal (I mean, really, how often do you look up your char's skirt?) just a curiosity b:laugh
  • So we're just supposed to not play our new characters until you fix the problem? What was even done to cause it in the first place? I had to waste 20k on my venomancer to shout in world chat that I needed a gm to whisp me and you guys didn't even reply then. So whats the deal? :(
  • Simple fix to that - set your squad distribution to free. Simple as that.