ppl only know how to do spawn mode... think only 20% of the players actually know how to use auras and set them. r9 killed RB deltas cause they just tank the dmg and dont need auras
Sweetiebot, open 3000 Anniversary Packs for me!
Sweetiebot, open 2000 Anniversary Packs for me!
Sweetiebot, open 1000 Anniversary Packs for me!
i think (and i may be wrong) that the drops you get from base trials are the items to recast r8 stuff. some you get from quests all along the trials till last others you get from bosses drop (some untradeble). the % of drop and amount that i dont know but here are come quest rewards
- just used be4 maint
no they didnt
bot is turned off for this thread
arc has a diferent server from game cause it suports many more games, so will allways work
bot was turned off cause ppl was spamming for him
troll time
you can go spamm sweetiebot on another thread just not here
that wont happen "....These can only be used by my creator and forum Moderators / Admins / GMs ...."
some1 grounded sweetie XD
jezzz still didnt learned Sweetiebot please report server status
SweetieBot deal me a hand of poker
SweetieBot, analyze this thread!
they still have 30 min acording to the time provided
SweetieBot please analyze me!
sweetiebot, update server status please
working b:cryb:cryb:cry
SweetieBot, report server status please
that you dont mess up making the up-date sowe have the game to play since day1. you see the bar is setted THAT low
costs 185M on base and the +10 vits cost 150M so im going base gems
send a ticket... that happened to me. but send only if the time has passed... has said on the post take a few days
that no longer applys and only worked if the other members left squad so the dmg count on boss would "reset" so low lvl would be top dd.... kind like other game like W**** of W****** has a dmg log on screen that shows top DD
time stamp on that cause i donated after i and i remember the dates
ETA on server?
the "patch" was changes on boutique... about the resatrt taking 3h.... that i dont know