can t we just say it depends on ur luck nd close the thread? :P
that s cuz the topic is lame my answer would be no full stop seriously a guy uses it to run away from west? seriously? dude sz is way closer to u than the river. some ppl r just stupid i guess. then they started to argue about the best way to run to sz LOL i mean what would ppl think about sins if they read this ? a bumch…
if u r trying to kill an HA like r99 barb with skill start uninstalling plz. and if zerk crit can t 1shout 51% of ur target s hp on rift u probably got no chance to kill with skills. this thread is lame anyhow
as a personal experience a full jod toon w/o buffs is pretty SQUISHy. man if i were u nd can t afford JOD i d go citines just cuz u said u don t care about casters but it helps a lot vs them . example i have 11.5k hp when aage hits 10.5k on gush i am like i am so lucly to have that extra 1k i can tank 1 more hit nd 1 more…
man 1 word :PRO i really like how u know so much about that subject i never thought how i get these numbers on my screen glad someone knows about them ao yh i guess no elemental shards although they might be cool vs morrowed bms? i'll get garnets eventually when done with gear refiness thx !!
sint i missed u in the pvp area :P where have u been
wow u got my old farming daggs :P they r 2 years old now ! they used to be OP . anyways with these u can solo fc easy !! u might have some hard time with bubble boss IF u don't take valcuities with u they aren't expensive just 1 a run ! a quick advice (if u didn't refine ur daggs yet) why not get 2nd recast? raps r SO…
all the time :P that's when i 2 spark hit emblem +inner +maze then pop an ig mire subsea rift boom 4-5 r9s down the other start hitting on ig :P i might die as well i don't mind really :)
actually 4 aps r8 sins aren't bad either :P but now that raps r so cheap nvm !
NO !! i'm not talking about APS DPS but about skill DPS because the guy who made the thread is calculating damage of skils over time while all the point of skills is to AOE or try to 1 shot . In my opinion if u can't kill a target with APS then it is also hard to kill it with skills no matter what ppl say about purifie…
well i was talking about fighting AA/LAs ofc u r right about the 51% but w/e i c a target that has ~60% hp i got for (thoatcut or headhunt or rift )+mire (with my 105 str genie) hoping for a zerk crit *ouch* however if u trying to fight a full r99 barb with decent refines with skills well u r a dummy :)
is it me or u r saying that dex give more domage on axes than str?i hope u re planning to start unistalling :) also pvp wise u r a one shot my mages u die under 3 secs vs sins ect... in short U SUCK in pvp
actually on HL someone had the queen genie ... however this guy got banned later idk why :P
or stealth :P?
2 words: charm bypass most of the time with high refined opponents we search for a bypass because we don t have enough dps to kill the target without that so don't be "pained" if u c someone using it it means they have a bit of logic
sorry but this thread is completely silly nd outdated hope a mod will close it eventually
not sure if it helps but once i had 71/90 genie ppl told me if i wanted an 81+ genie to stop lvlimg it and sell it right away "cuz i had no chance" i was also almost out of spirits but i didn t listen nd guess what ? 81/100 genie i linked it in guide and was like "take that in ur faces guys !!!!!"
wow hahahha u mean someone tried to oracle till 105?!
b:angry so much hate :P but i don t agree : without fc ppl would buy oracles to lvl oraclrs=tokens =packs. i remember 3 years ago when my mage was 83 i met an archer who paid 200$ to lvl from 60to 80 with oracles or something like that so the concept of generating money u gave is completely wrong also hypers r worth what ?…
sorry if it seems rude but what u r saying is not trie it doesn t work by 24hrz cd . the whole hyper s reset at 2am my time(gmt +2) so idk about ur server but it s like 1min before that i got 1 activation left 1 min after 10 new activations . so the rl thing is not 24hrz like she said but more like a hyper reset at a…
1- in what language is pwi written (i mean c++/java ect...) 2- how did u c the code lines they r precompiled how could u access them?
oh yh how were they able to fix fc in 1 week then? sent the problem to the chinese devs ? i doubt it dude .
every class can QQ to push devs to improve them doesn t mean u r right at all to QQ . mystics r even worse in pvp some might say well lemme give a small example: r9rr sin fully buffed (16k hp) vs fully buffed mystic r9rr with average refines i was watching the fight my bets were on the sin ofc... fight lasted 6-7 mins the…
it. s not a hyper noob instance it s an instance where 101+ ppl can lvl up dude nd i hope like 90.2% of the server that they will
why r ppl referring to jekel ? yh it was hard 2 kill before nw nd r9rr is so cheap now. i don't find jekel to be an issue really especially when u can take it down in 3secs. casters r more of a problem nowadays with their purifies, also barb can tank whole squads with morai skills on nd their r8r wep (gives 21def lvls )
SweetieBot please analyze me.
well long at this rate i guess pwi will die in like 5months then they will probably close all of the servers their profits r already down by 75% since last year so :P
trolling everyone in server with aps gear problem?!!!?! besides that yh we r a bit squishy with aps but who cares when u kill a full jod sharded r9rr full +12 archer in under 2 secs with aps?
another question gm said fc will be bk 2 normal on next update when will that be? next wednesday?
Pro ;)