Ormar - Lost City Arc User


  • Oh no we gonna have TIDEBORN TRAFFIC WAY! b:laugh Would it be great that we would have highways for tideborns for our tide from muhahahahah so much fishy in the waterways b:pleased
  • well i buff random people and heal them when there hurt while i questing sometimes when people pm to rez i just ignore it because i don't like wasting time while i'm questing b:chuckle RANDOM! BUFF HI YA b:victory with some healing lol b:bye
  • I think is someone spreading its wings because someone rez healing? I think something with wings coming out i think sign of new growth new life power? well i think so lol
  • This is kinda vise versa b:chuckle 2 clerics (including me) i think there was 1 venomancer 1 assassin (she did nothing ) and one Barb Ok i hit the boss and everyone got mad at me and then the tank went up as i healed tank and other cleric attacked and others a whole bunch of army of ants started to come and i was first one…