Orlandobloom - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • so far the ppl that post say that all the stats are eactly the same for every pet for the same level which is a lie. there is a little window in the pet info that looks like this... PICTURE and controls the growth and stat boost of each pet. each one has a set stat boost based on the NAME not the type of pet. so again we…
  • nope still down, as for the 4 hours. thats 4 hours for my character. real time doesn't apply in game.
  • Ok let me take a moment.... "Dear player thank you for your feedback, we are aware of this issue and are working hard to resolve the issue. We hope to have it fixed sometime in the near future and we appreciate your patience. To fix your issue please delete your WTF folder and clear your cache then restart your computer,…
  • if you think its usless wait til you have a melee class run from you in PVP. you charge it, it fires at the last possible moment, they waisted a healing pot cause your aimed shot just did the damage their pot returned.. then instant shots to kill. its very useful.
  • conclustion? stay in the white wings the other wings are gimp. K THNX BUH BYE!
  • if your an archer get your magic to 20 and you fly for free. this may seem like a waist of points but your mana regenerates much faster between fights so you can spam your skill shots and kill monsters before they reach you as opposed to puling with 3 skills and needing to auto shoot for 3 minutes while your spamming your…
  • keep up with your buffs, heals (all 3), and your starting magic attack. the self shield and the extra attacks aren't really necessary for a full magic cleric.
  • I had tried a str/dex cleric. its ok but you will end up needing a party eventaully. I got mine up to levle 19 and it became very difficult from that point on. you can wear heavy armor, use melee weapons, and have very high defense. but your gonna need to carry 2 weapons, your melee and the 2nd quest magic weapon. you will…