OMG BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Yes we need new sewers. My toilet keeps flooding b:chuckle
I hope this new expansion comes out soon. I'm going crazy b:faint
Woah b:shocked Whats up with that barb?!?
^is a pink bunny rabbit with yellow spots who can turn people into magical potatoes b:cute
^likes to eat potato chip flavored cake while watching a duck poo on the floor next to a giant pink monky that picks his nose all day with a fork who is sitting on a turtle made of chocolate and flowers b:pleased
^Picked his nose, pulled out a booger, and fed it to a cannibal b:pleased
I don't really care if they have wings or not.... as long as they aren't the same as elf or tb wings. I really hope that whatever they get isn't just a copy of another race.
Indeed. b:laugh
Why are so many people leaving? O.o
^is an apple that lives in a cake and eats bunnies every day
^banned for not being allowed to do something
a stinky butt
^poked a virus in the eye
I still think it's worth playing But I am addicted to this game..... b:sad
and he smells
^banned for posting on this thread
^is 0 years old
I think that Duke needs to learn the meaning of SHUT UP!!!!!
I want to poke a assassin in the eye b:pleased I would just run around all day pokeing them in the eye
Well I do find it kinda weird that the fishies have fairy wings...... Aren't they supposed to be FISH?
I want an arceus b:pleased
But...... but anime pickle sandwiches are awesome!!! b:cry
I need to get those tb wings for my psychic....b:dirty to bad Im not going to buy a ton of packs just to get them.......
Maybe everything kills you because your level 1........ b:laugh
WHY YES I AM. b:shutup And your lvl 1.....
Not many heavy armor archers I see...... I feel lonely b:sad
I would play as one b:victory
ugly and stupid
Banned because I like pie b:laugh