If you have Vista 64bit and play PWI on it PLZ help me find a solution. I have tried nearly 30 different download and install attemps, all of which have led to the same disaster. Tech support has given a valiant but futial effort in their quest to solve my problem and sent me Forum Hopping. They did not have a PC with…
I bought new pc avter having already falling in love with PWI and now I'm unable to play on my new OS Vista 64bit... Tech support has not had any success. They have no PC with Vista 64bit in which to trouble shoot and have given a valiant yet futial effort to this point and at nearly 30 dif downloads and install steps, I'm…
if anyone has Vista 64bit I would be ever so greatful if you could advise me on how to run the game. After nearly 30 tries I have had NO success. Only Vista64bit users PLEASE, unless your just insanely good with computers and have the right solution. I can't take many more failed attemps. Tech support offered Lot's of…