I encountered the same issue before several times. While it may not be the cause of your specific problem, what it turned out to be on my end was a different game distribution platform. I can't say the name but starts with an S. It had the arcOSBrowser executable open so the file was locked from modification which in turn…
Another option to try, as suggested by support to one of my tickets, is to transfer leader to an alt or very trusted friend who will pass it back to you. I've had it happen to me on my last two factions. Both cases were fixed with the lead transfer solution they gave me. With special characters in your name though, this…
I'm assuming an FPS issue here. You didn't mention trying updated drivers for your video card it's self. I would start there if you haven't. Try the card manufacturer's drivers as well as the GPU manufacturer's drivers. Also, if AA is enabled, try disabling it through your video card's control panel. It will kill FPS quite…
This sounds like possible packet loss, overloading, or high latency spikes for other reasons. I experience something similar but on a smaller time scale due to an overloaded router my ISP has. The joys of oversold rural DSL, however, I do not experience this on a different ISP. Anyway, you should perform a few trace routes…
I had the same issue on my other guild. The key was to get a trusted friend who I transferred leader to, who then transferred it back to me. The icon submit form worked fine after that. This was the method suggested in my support ticket. If that's not an option for you, there is always the manual way of submitting it.