OOmesuOo - Sanctuary Arc User


  • i don't like this layout :'( it doesn't fit the game b:sad
  • hmmm , 10 years ? i think no one can give an exact answer, alot of things happning in games wolrd and alot of thing happning in PWI itself. but first i wanna say something for those ppl who do not like PWI and talking badly about it. If u r not having fun, or u think this game is not good , grafics, skills , characters and…
  • i always see NPC ppl turning to ( ERROR ) o.o .. anyone saw this ? and my sister chara has a strange problem o.O ... when she or i send friends request to each other it doesn't apper o.o .. and after a whlie we got friends request time out >.< and also i can't invite her to a squad but she can request to join my squad ..…
  • well .. we are as clerics do not feel like it worth .. but think about it for barbs and BM and archers. those who have no lots of mana, it helps them reg. faster :D . and they use alot of skills that needs mana, so i think it is better to have it max ^^ and a question o.o do u like casting it many times on each member :s.…
  • i trust BMs can tank alot of bosses .. i know lots of BMs can do that. only few bosses they can't tank them. and all my quests that needs bosses except BHs and some FBs i had BMs tanking them. barbs are good too but not all barbs are smart and can protect the team b:angry in all times i got killed in BHs was barbs fault…
  • why u don't belive me b:surrender the land is already there D: look T_T and u can go and see by urself >.>
  • guys do u know that the tideborn's land is already in the game b:bye go southwest dreameaver and if u put ur game on best performance make it best qualitiy and u can see it at the very end of the map b:victory
  • for me as a cleric b:chuckle i prefer ranged party members in AOE mobs and bosses b:chuckle you know they can stand away from AOE or stand around me while i do BB b:chuckle and i feel worry about BMs and Barbs at AOE Bosses b:surrender
  • never seen a gift you pay for b:chuckle